Next collection date in COST


COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is open to all themes in all fields of sciences and all types of institutions and researchers of all career stages can participate.

The aim of COST is to set up interdisciplinary research networks in Europe and beyond. Its focus is on interdisciplinarity and excellence. COST-Actions run for 4 years and help to build capacity. The average COST-Action support is EUR 130,000 per year for 25 participants. The funding decision is made within eight months from the collection date (twice a year).

The next collection date in COST is the 29th October 2020 at 12:00 pm!

Find out more about COST here.
More information about how to apply for the next collection date here.

Kompetente Unterstützung für exzellente Forschung in Bayern, Europa und der Welt

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Kompetente Unterstützung für exzellente Forschung in Bayern, Europa und der Welt

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