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On this page you can find the latest news on the subject of research and innovation.

Number of Entries: 302


Horizon Europe: Feedback opportunity for the Work programme 2025

The European Commission has published a survey to gather feedback on the design of Horizon Europe's main work programme for 2025. The feedback is being collected at the level of the ‘Destinations’ or Missions, corresponding to the six Horizon Europe clusters, research infrastructures, European innovation ecosystems, the five EU Missions and cross-cutting activities and the New European Bauhaus facility.  Respondents will be able to provide feedback for one or multiple Destinations and/or Missions, according to what is most relevant to them.


Introduction of Personnel Unit Costs in all new Horizon Europe projects

From 1 May 2024, the European Commission will offer a new option for determining the eiligible personnel costs in Horizon Europe projects. Previously, an individual daily rate had to be determined for each employee when calculating personnel costs. From May, beneficiaries can now alternatively have a single daily rate certified for all their employees. This is a voluntary option, but if chosen by the organisation, it must be applied when calculating personnel costs of all new projects under the framework programme.


Looking back: Three years of Horizon Europe in figures

Horizon Europe has reached its fourth year and is now undergoing its regular interim evaluation. The first positive conclusion: Bavaria has recorded an increase in its success rate in acquiring EU funding compared to Horizon 2020 and continues to lead the field among the federal states and European competitors. We have taken a look at the latest figures and provide an insight into how the EU's multi-billion euro budget for research and innovation projects has been utilised to date.


Republic of Korea to join Horizon Europe programme

South Korea will join the growing group of countries associated to Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programme.Today, Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, and Lee Jong Ho, South Korean Minister for Science and Information and Communication Technology concluded negotiations on South Korea's association, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to foster mutual collaboration in research and innovation.


Guidelines on the responsible use of generative AI in research developed by the European Research Area Forum

The EU Commission, together with the European Research Area countries and stakeholders, has put forward a set of guidelines to support the European research community in their responsible use of generative artificial intelligence (AI).


Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025-2027 for research and innovation

The European Commission's second strategic plan sets out the main guidelines for a green, digital and resilient future for the next and final three years of the Horizon Europe programme (2025-2027).


BATT4EU publishes Europe's new strategy for battery innovation

Europe is striving to become a world leader in battery innovation. To this end, the public-private partnership BATT4EU has published a new strategy for research and innovation, recommending the priorities for battery research and innovation that should receive public funding.


ERC President's report on changes to research assessment

Last year, the Scientific Council of the ERC adapted the review process for ERC calls for proposals - in favour of even greater consideration of qualitative aspects in the evaluation of project ideas and principal investigators. Scientific excellence remains the sole selection criterion. Among other things, the (already applicable) principle of focussing on the project proposal in the review process has been strengthened. In addition, there are no longer any predefined applicant profiles and research achievements can be contextualised through short, factual descriptions.


UAS4EUROPE: Towards 2028 – Shaping the Future of the EU Framework Programme for R&I

On 6 March 2024, the Universities of Applied Sciences Network (UAS4EUROPE) published a position paper on the future of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The position paper outlines a vision for the 10th Framework Programme on how UAS can make an even greater contribution to the success of European research, innovation and competitiveness.


€600 million to support research and innovation on agroecology and animal health and welfare

The European Commission, EU Member States and Associated Countries have joined forces to fund two major Research and Innovation partnerships in key areas of agricultural production. They will work over the next seven years on agroecology and on animal health and welfare, essential issues for sustainable farming and food systems. The European Partnership on Agroecology and the European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare are being launched under the umbrella of the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe, following a co-creation process of several years with close involvement of the European Commission.

Number of Entries: 302

Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

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Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

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