Successful dissemination and communication

When financing an EU project, the European Commission asks for comprehensive communication of the goals and research results of the project. The EU differentiates essentially between Dissemination and Communication. The principal focus with dissemination is on the project results, while the communication measures are targeted at providing information on general goals and project milestones. It is important that all target groups of relevance for the project (scientific community, industry, politics, the press and the public) are addressed in a suitable manner.
Our range of services
If the project coordinator is based in Bavaria, BayFOR can join the consortium as a dissemination partner for the entire duration of the project at the request of the consortium. We can take on the following tasks:
- Creation of project branding (incl. project logo)
- Creation of PR and promotional materials: flyers, posters, roll-ups, newsletters and give-aways
- Press work: preparing and sending out press releases, placing articles in newspapers, trade journals and magazines, press reviews for reporting activities
- Launch and maintenance of a dedicated website for the project
- Presentation of the project in the BayFOR newsletter and on the BayFOR website
- Organisation of trade fair appearances for specialised and general public
- Presentation of the project at scientific congresses
- Organisation of closing events or events to mark important project results – also in Brussels
Advantages for the project
An excellent dissemination and communication strategy also offers advantages for the project and the participating partners:
- Greater visibility for the project, the project partners and the research topic
- New contacts in the scientific community
- Reputation building for the research teams
- Greater acceptance of the research work among members of the public and potentially also an increase in public investment in the research topic
- Establishment of contacts with journalists with an interest in the research topic
- Enhanced sales opportunities for products and services arising from the project
Contact at BayFOR:

Emmanuelle Rouard
Head of Public Relations
Phone: +49 89 9901888-111
Email: rouard@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org
Information on current projects where BayFOR acts as a dissemination partner:
Information on further services offered by BayFOR for EU projects:
Advisory services on EU funding programmes
EU funding application support
Project partner search
SME advisory services
Representation of interests
Project management
Conflict management in projects