What are ERA-NETs?

Please note that ERA-Nets will be merged under European Partnerships in the new funding period. For more information, please click here. For the latest information on current calls for proposals, please visit https://www.era-learn.eu/network-information/call-calendar.

With the “ERA-NET” Cofund scheme, the European Commission supports the coordination of national and regional funding programmes in research and innovation in Europe. National and regional funding bodies cooperate with funding organisations from other states and publish joint, transnational work programmes with calls for proposals. Applicants from the participating states can then take part in these calls for proposals. Thus, ERA-NETs contribute to improving the coordination of national research strategies.

Which subject areas are covered by ERA-NETs?

German funding bodies are currently taking part in over 40 ongoing ERA-NETs in a wide range of subject areas. The website of the EU project ERA-LEARN 2020 provides an overview of the existing ERA-NETs:

ERA-NETs (and other transnational programmes), sorted by participating state (in this case, Germany)
ERA-NETs (and other transnational programmes), sorted by subject area

ERA-NET target groups

The Horizon 2020 funding instrument ERA-NET Cofund is aimed at ministries and research funding organisations that finance and manage regional and national funding programmes. Research institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and, in some cases, other players can then take part in the joint calls for proposals for projects under these ERA-NETs. The grants are awarded via the national funding programmes of the states involved in the calls for proposals, and are co-financed by the European Union.

Contact at BayFOR:

Dr. Mikhail Antonkin

Dr. Mikhail Antonkin
Scientific Officer Health Research & Biotechnology
Phone: +49 911 50715-950
Email: antonkin@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org

Dr. Panteleimon Panagiotou

Dr. rer. nat. Panteleïmon Panagiotou
Head of Unit Information & Communication Technologies |
Engineering & Natural Sciences
Phone: +49 89 9901888-130
Email: panagiotou@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org

Dr. Alexander Widmann

Dr. Alexander Christian Widmann
Scientific Officer Social Sciences and Humanities | Security and Defence Research 
Phone: +49 89 9901888-162
Email: widmann@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org

Further information about ERA-NETs:

EU project ERA-LEARN 2020

Further information about ERA-NET Cofund:

European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi)

European Comission

Information about BayFOR's ERA-NET projects:


Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

Quick links

Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

BayFOR Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency