BayIntAn - Promoting Cooperation

Bavarian funding programme for the initiation of international research collaborations

The BayIntAn cooperation funding programme supports the initiation of international research collaborations involving state and non-state Bavarian universities and universities of applied sciences as partners. The aim of this funding is to promote Bavaria as a location for science and innovation by further internationalising Bavarian university research.

The Bavarian Research Alliance selects the most suitable projects from the proposed collaborations - for which a maximum amount of 10,000 euros can be applied for - and provides funding on a pro rata basis depending on the available budget. Funding for the BayIntAn cooperation funding programme is provided by the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences and the Arts.

The Bavarian University Centres also provide funding for specific regions. A list of these university centres and specific information can be found here.

Applications in BayIntAn can only be submitted via the online application tool OASys.

Next calls for applications for 2025

The first deadline for the first tender for 2025 has expired.

A second call for proposals for 2025 will very probably take place as planned, with a deadline expected in the the end of April / beginning of May, and will be announced on the website in good time. A third, even later call for proposals is planned depending on the budget available. 

(as of 03 February 2025)

The following expenditures for Bavarian scientists can be subsidized:

  • Travel expenses (in case of airfare: Economy class) to and from the location of the project partner.
  • The stay of Bavarian scientists belonging to the project team at the project partner's premises. In such case, the maximum support is based on the fixed daily rate for overnight accommodations abroad per person in accordance with Bavaria's Auslandsreisekostenverordnung (BayARV: Ordinance on Official Travel Abroad) and the applicable travel expense rates for abroad.

In exceptional cases, travel expenses from international project partners to the German project location can also be financed.

The following expenditures can not be subsidized:

  • A supplementary fixed project fee
  • Personnel expenses
  • Standard basic equipment such as office materials or communication equipment
  • Laboratory and data processing equipment

Other project-related material expenses (specific consumables, equipment, rent, conference attendance fees, etc.) can only be subsidized in exceptional cases.

Submitting an application for support

To apply for a grant, please use the online submission system OASys, and have a look at: The original application as a defined extract from OASys with a legally binding signature by an authorized member of the university's management or an office commissioned by the university and the project manager must be sent by post to the Bavarian Research Alliance within fourteen days:

Bavarian Research Alliance
Attn. Mr Martin Reichel
Managing Director 
Prinzregentenstrasse 52
80538 Munich

The decision on funding will be sent within 4 to 6 weeks after the closing date. Applications that are not accepted for budgetary reasons can be earmarked for re-evaluation during the next review period.

For further information, please see the following documents:

Guidelines for Applicants
Information on Funding Requests
BayIntAn presentation
BayIntAn Flyer

Applications for support of scientific cooperation projects between Bavaria and the regions Latin America, China, France or California shall be submitted directly to the respective university centres BAYLAT (Latin America), BayCHINA (China), BayFrance (France) or BaCaTeC (California).

Contact at BayFOR

For further information or advice on the BayIntAn cooperation programme, please contact us during the following office hours:

Mondays 9:00-12:00
Tuesdays 8:00-11:00 
Thursdays 13:00-16:00

If you have any questions about the upcoming call for proposals, you can also make an appointment by e-mail outside office hours.

M. A. Marcus Süß

M. A. Marcus Süß
Coordination Funding Programme (BayIntAn)
Phone:  +49 89 9901 888 190

Dipl.-Geogr./M.A. Gudrun Lampart

Dipl.-Geogr./M. A. Gudrun Lampart
Coordination Funding Programme (BayIntAn)
Phone: +49 89 9901888-190

Doris Bruckmeier

Doris Bruckmeier
Audit of numerical proof of use
Phone: +49 89 9901888-0


Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR)
Prinzregentenstrasse 52
80538 Munich

Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

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Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

BayFOR Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency