Creating NEBourhoods together
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EU project "Creating NEBourhoods together": Munich-Neuperlach as a test field for urban innovation landscapes
With the EU project "Creating NEBourhoods together", the City of Munich aims to transform the Neuperlach district into a resilient urban innovation landscape and thus herald the future of modern urban renewal and development in the spirit of the New European Bauhaus.
With a population of around 65,000, the Neuperlach district of Munich is the largest post-war urban expansion area in Germany. Today, this city district faces many social, city planning and construction challenges. With a portfolio of commercial and residential buildings in need of renovation and open spaces without a current purpose, Neuperlach is typical of many cities in Europe and faces challenges such as above-average unemployment. Neuperlach also has numerous advantages, for example, social cohesion in a multicultural population, large green spaces, separate paths for pedestrians and cyclists, and office buildings that can be revived.
Therefore, Neuperlach as a district is an ideal starting point for renewal in the spirit of New European Bauhaus: beautiful – sustainable – together.
The development of Munich-Neuperlach in accordance with the European Green Deal should be achieved through the so-called NEB actions. These actions are designed for socially and environmentally compatible living and working in the city. Two processes are at the heart of the NEB actions: co-creation as an innovative process that involves culture and creative people as well as promoting and fostering entrepreneurship. Both processes are designed with and for the people and stakeholders of this city district.
The ten action topics below cover very diverse areas of city development and citizens’ life. They range from energy communities and the improvement of public space to the interaction between people and nature covering fields such as nutrition, cultural open spaces, and multifunctional mobility spaces:
- Animal-aided Design: Integration of wildlife into architecture, open space and urban planning
- Ecolopes: Design of building casings that take into account the needs of humans, plants, animals and beneficial micro-organisms to encourage biodiversity in the city
- Public Power: Shading structure strategies for heat islands in the city to create healthy temperatures in public
- Circular Neuperlach: Establishing a circular economy roadmap for commercial buildings, from the use of materials to room utilization and usage of district quarters
- Redesigning Housing Structures: Social, economic and energy upgrade and spatial redesign of large residential housing that are in need of renovation
- Rethinking the Urban Office Complex as an Urban Element: Redesign and refurbishment of privately owned office buildings as productive, mixed-use open public spaces
- Energy Communities: Organizing and implementing energy sources and supply in the neighbourhood
- Prototyping Mobility NEBourhoods: Research on mobility infrastructure supported by digital twin data of the district
- Neuperlach eats/is green: Linking nutrition and edible gardening in the neighbourhood
- PEARL: Creating cultural places for young people in Neuperlach: developing temporary and permanent youth culture spaces together
All together, these 10 actions should improve the quality of life, provide a better daily life and contribute to environmental protection.
NEBourhoods aims to make a significant contribution to the objectives of the New European Bauhaus and the EU Green Deal. Further synergies result from Munich’s successful promotion as one of the “100 climate-neutral and intelligent cities by 2030”.
"They will show what the future can look like and bring the European Green Deal into our daily lives and our living spaces. These projects will become the starting point for a European and global network of New European Bauhaus projects," said EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
NEBourhoods is one of the first lighthouse projects across Europe selected by the European Commission for the New European Bauhaus initiative. Further information about the projects can be found here and here.
"BayFOR supported us intensively for many months in preparing the concept and submitting the application according to current EU regulations. BayFOR's advice was not only characterised by excellent cooperation, but was also very informative and helpful for me as coordinator and for all the other consortium partners. This successful "New European Bauhaus" project with more than 10 Bavarian partners, including BayFOR, is of great importance for the city of Munich as an EU lighthouse project."
Dr Sylvia Pintarits, City of Munich
The New European Bauhaus (NEB)
The New European Bauhaus (NEB) aims to create a bridge between art, culture and education and science and technology. Horizon Europe, the EU’s current framework programme for research and innovation, has a key role to play in driving new ideas, prototypes and products, as research and innovation are essential elements of the design, implementation and dissemination of NEB. The call for tenders, to which the NEBourhoods consortium had applied, was one of the 'missions’ of Horizon Europe’s 2021-2022 work programme. Further information can be found here.

Project Overview
Project objectives
The objectives of the project “Creating NEBourhoods Together” include the transformation of Neuperlach, the development of a modern, climate-neutral and sustainable urban renewal concept as the “city of the future” in the sense of the European Green Deal and the New European Bauhaus and should serve as a positive example for other European cities.
Target groups
NEBourhoods consortium partners’ projects are implemented by means of innovative and creative methods: The design processes involve local people and stakeholders and are implemented together with cultural and creative professionals. The promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and actions, especially among population groups that have not yet had access to these, will support a sustainable transformation.
NEBourhoods aims to support different areas of urban development, from circular construction to green spaces and nutrition, and from renewable energy to youth culture in public spaces.
BayFOR as a partner
During the application phase, BayFOR supported the coordinator and the consortium in the technical and content-related conceptual design of the EU application as well as in clarifying financial and administrative issues. As a funded partner in NEBourhoods, BayFOR supports and accompanies project management and communication with interested expert groups.
Funding period
This project is being funded with around EUR 5 million by the European Union from October 2022 to the end of March 2025 as part of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101080052.
Seventeen German partners are working together on the project, coordinated by the City of Munich:
Coordination: City of Munich
Project partners:
- Architekturgalerie München e.V.
- Bavarian Research Alliance
- Green City e.V.
- Hauck Weisser Studio Animal Aided Design GbR
- Munich University of Applied Sciences
- Münchner Gesellschaft für Stadterneuerung mbH
- Strascheg Center For Entrepreneurship
- Str.ucture GmbH
- Studio | Stadt | Region Architektur & Stadtentwicklung
- Technical University of Munich
- UnternehmerTUM GmbH
- Unternehmertum Makerspace GmbH
Associated partners:
- bayern design GmbH
- Association of German Architects
- Bavarian Chamber of Architects
- Association of German Architects Bavaria
In cooperation with:
- Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH Regensburg)
- Münchner Ernährungsrat e.V.
- Münchner Initiative Nachhaltigkeit
Contact at BayFOR

Dr. Daniel Kießling
Scientific Officer Information & Communication Technologies |
Engineering & Natural Sciences
Phone: +49 911 50715-920
Email: kiessling@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org

MBA Simone Wiegand
Project Manager ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences
Phone: +49 89 9901888-134
Email: wiegand@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org