The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)

BayFOR is part of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), Europe's largest advisory network for SMEs. The Enterprise Europe Network provides SMEs with support in connection with relevant EU-related topics such as EU funding options, international partnerships, EU certification and single market regulations.
The Bavarian Research Alliance as a partner in the Enterprise Europe Network
Application support
Within the Enterprise Europe Network, the Bavarian Research Alliance helps small and medium-sized Bavarian enterprises (SMEs) to prepare EU funding applications for research, development and innovation. In this respect, it acts as the interface between science and industry and promotes the active networking of Bavarian companies and universities at European level. This provides SMEs with access to high-profile research expertise, for example, which makes them more competitive. Universities in turn can work with the companies to convert the results of their research into specific products and services. The focus of the SME advisory service is the framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe, and other EU funding programmes which are tailored to SMEs, like the EIC's funding instruments or the European initiative EUREKA Eurostars.
Project partner search
BayFOR can help you search for suitable partners to collaborate in your planned SME research, using a topic-specific search function in a Europe-wide database. This suggests appropriate project partners from different research fields or offers the option to publish a Europe-wide collaboration search which BayFOR will create with you. You can also receive offers directly from us when they are published in this database. Send us an email to sign up for this service: een-partnersuche@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org.
Regional Integration
Partners within the Enterprise Europe Network should engage in the development and implementation of SME-specific initiatives within macro-regional strategies and programmes – for example, strategies for the Balkans, the Mediterranean countries, the Danube region or the Alpine countries.

The Enterprise Europe Network in Bavaria includes ten partner organisations. You will find here some information on their respective fields of expertise.
More information on the Enterprise Europe Network online:
EEN in Bavaria website
Official EEN website
The Enterprise Europe Network on Youtube
Information material about the Enterprise Europe Network
Network-Brochure Enterprise Europe Network (in German)
Contact at BayFOR:

Natalia García Mozo
Head of Unit SME Advisory Services
Phone: +49 89 9901888-171
Email: mozo@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org