If you are interested in our support and assistance for your project idea, please get in touch with a responsible officer for your thematic area.
Dr. Anna Abelmann-Brockmann
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Israel
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Israel

Dr. Anna Abelmann-Brockmann
Senior Scientific Officer
Phone: +49 89 9901888-166
Curriculum vitae
Dr. Thomas Ammerl
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy

Dr. Thomas Ammerl
Head of Unit
- Environment
- Energy
- Bioeconomy
Phone: +49 89 9901888-120
Curriculum vitae
Dr. Mikhail Antonkin (Antonkine), Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology
Health Research & Biotechnology

Dr. Mikhail Antonkin (Antonkine), Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology
Scientific Officer
- Health research
- Biotechnology
Phone: +49 911 50715-950

Curriculum vitae
Referee Duties
2018 (Jan.) – present
Evaluator, ERA.NET RUS Plus, Joint Funding Program of Russia and the European Union.
2016 (Apr.) – present
Expert, EUROSTARS-2 Joint Program for the benefit of R&D performing small and medium-sized enterprises, European Union.
2015 (May) – present
Independent Reviewer, Russian Science Foundation, Russia.
2012 (Nov.) – present
Independent Reviewer of the Polish National Science Foundation (Narodowe Centrum Nauki - NCN), Poland.
2011 (April) - present
Independent Evaluator of the Russian Mega-Grants, German Aerospace Center (DLR – Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) and New Eurasia Foundation, Russia. Fields of expertise: Biological Sciences, Medical Biotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology, Medical Engineering.
2011 (Feb.) – present
Independent Reviewer, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst).
Positions Held
2012 (Oct.) – present
Scientific Officer Department of Health Research & Biotechnology, Bavarian Research Alliance, Nuremberg, Germany.
2010 (July) – 2012 (Sept.)
Guest Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Bioinorganic Chemistry, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany.
2008 (April) – 2010 (June)
Senior Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Bioinorganic Chemistry, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany.
2006 (Jan.) – 2008 (Dec.)
Project Leader within the Collaborative Research Center 498. Department of Physics, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
2004 (Oct.) – 2005 (Dec.)
Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Physics, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
2001 (Oct.) – 2004 (Sept.)
Postdoctoral Associate, Max Planck Institute for Bioinorganic Chemistry, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany.
2001 (March-Sept.)
Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, USA.
1996 (Aug.) – 2001 (March)
Graduate Student/Research Assistant, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, USA.
1995 (Aug.) – 1996 (Aug.)
Graduate Student/Research Assistant, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA.
July 2017
Innovation Manager (IHK), Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Germany.
July 2010 – May 2012
German language courses (the most advanced (C2) level successfully finished), Goethe-Institut and Volkshochschule, Düsseldorf, Germany.
March 2001
Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, USA. Highest grade for the final examination (summa cum laude). Title of the Ph.D. dissertation: “PsaC subunit of photosystem I: electronic structure of iron-sulfur clusters and NMR solution structure.” Thesis available on-line at: <link http: etda.libraries.psu.edu theses approved worldwideindex etd-60 index.html _blank>etda.libraries.psu.edu/theses/approved/WorldWideIndex/ETD-60/index.html
June 1997
M.S. in Chemistry, Higher Chemistry College of the Russian Academy of Sciences, faculty of the D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia. Highest grade for the final examination. Title of the M.S. Dissertation: “Isolation, purification and identification of NifS homologues, possible sulfur donors for an iron-sulfur cluster formation in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. In vitro, NifS-mediated, iron-sulfur and iron-selenium cluster formation.”
The practical part of the work was done at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln and the Pennsylvania State University, USA.
July 1995
B.S. in Chemistry, Higher Chemistry College of the Russian Academy of Sciences, faculty of the D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
Publication List
Kulon, K., Lubitz, W., Antonkine, M.L., "Modelling the Binding Site of a Linear [3Fe-4S] Cluster" 10th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference EUROBIC10. International Proceedings (Kessissoglou, D., Salifoglou, T. Eds.), Medimond s.r.l., Bologna, Italy, M622C0001, 39-42 (2010).
Niklas, J., Gopta, O., Epel, B., Lubitz, W., Antonkine, M.L., "Investigation of the Stationary and Transient A1•– Radical in Trp→Phe Mutants of Photosystem I" Appl. Magn. Res., 38, 187-203 (2010).
Niklas, J., Epel, B., Antonkine, M.L., Pandelia, M.-E., Sinnecker, S., Lubitz, W., "Electronic Structure of the Quinone Radical Anion A1•– of Photosystem I Investigated by Advanced Pulse EPR and ENDOR Techniques" J. Chem. Phys. B, 113, 10367-10379 (2009).
Antonkine, M.L., Koay, M., Breitenstein, C., Epel, B., Gopta, O., Gärtner, W., Bill, E., Lubitz, W., "Synthesis and Characterization of De Novo Designed Peptides Modelling the Binding Sites of [4Fe-4S] Clusters in Photosystem I" Biochim. Biophys. Acta. Bioenerg., 1787, 995-1008 (2009).
Antonkine, M.L., Breitenstein, C., Epel, B., Gärtner, W., Bill, E., Lubitz, W., "De Novo Designed Peptides Modelling the Binding Sites of [4Fe-4S] Clusters in Photosystem I" In: Photosynthesis. Energy from the Sun: 14th International Congress on Photosynthesis (Allen, J.F., Gantt, E., Golbeck, J.H., Osmond, B. Eds.), Springer, 1263-1266 (2008).
Savitsky, A., Heinnickel, M., Khuzeeva, L., Antonkine, M.L., Möbius, K., Golbeck, J.H., "Characterization of Homodimeric Type I Reaction Center Cores from Heliobacterium modesticaldum by High-Field Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy" In: Photosynthesis. Energy from the Sun: 14th International Congress on Photosynthesis (Allen, J.F., Gantt, E., Golbeck, J.H., Osmond, B. Eds.), Springer, 65-68 (2008).
Koay, M., Antonkine, M.L., Gärtner, W., Lubitz, W. (review) "Modelling Low-Potential [Fe4S4] Clusters in Proteins" Chemistry & Biodiversity, 5, 1571-1586 (2008).
Krzystyniak, M., Shen, G., Golbeck J.H., Antonkine, M.L. "Investigation of Water Bound to Photosystem I with Multiquantum Filtered 17O Nuclear Magnetic Resonance" J. Chem. Phys., 128, 01450301-01450315 (2008).
Antonkine, M.L., Maes, E.M., Czernuszewicz, R.S., Breitenstein, C., Bill, E., Falzone, C.J., Balasubramanian, R., Lubner, C., Bryant, D.A., Golbeck J.H., "Chemical Rescue of a Site-Modified Ligand to a [4Fe-4S] Cluster in PsaC, a Bacterial-Like Dicluster Ferredoxin Bound to Photosystem I" Biochim. Biophys. Acta. Bioenerg., 1767, 712-724 (2007).
Epel, B., Niklas, J., Antonkine, M.L., Lubitz, W., "Absolute Signs of Hyperfine Coupling Constants as Determined by Pulse ENDOR of Polarized Radical Pairs” Appl. Magn. Res., 30, 311-327 (2006).
Antonkine, M.L., Golbeck, J.H., "Molecular Interactions of the Stromal Subunit PsaC with PsaA/PsaB Heterodimer" In: Photosystem I: The Light-Driven Plastocyanin: Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase (Golbeck, J.H. Ed.), In series: Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, (Govindjee Ed), Springer Verlag Heidelberg, Vol. 24, 79-98 (2006).
Antonkine, M.L., Golbeck, J.H., "Photosystem I: FX, FA and FB Iron-Sulfur Clusters" In: Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry (Lennarz, W.J., Lane, M.D, Eds), Elsevier Science, Vol. 3, 348-356 (2004). Golbeck, J.H., Antonkine, M.L., Stehlik, D., "Breaking Biological Symmetry in Membrane Proteins: How PsaC Evolved to Orient Asymmetrically on the Photosystem I Core” Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, 9, 24-28 (2004).
Antonkine, M.L., Jordan, P., Fromme, P., Krauß, N., Golbeck, J.H., Stehlik, D., "Assembly of Protein Subunits within the Stromal Ridge of Photosystem I. Structural Changes between Unbound and Sequentially PS I-Bound Polypeptides and Correlated Changes of the Magnetic Properties of the Terminal Iron Sulfur Clusters" J. Mol. Biol., 327, 671–697 (2003). This paper was featured on the journal cover.
Shen, G., Antonkine, M.L., van der Est, A., Vassiliev, I.R., Brettel, K., Bittl, R., Zech S., Zhao, J., Stehlik, D., Bryant, D.A., Golbeck, J.H., "Assembly of Photosystem I. II. Rubredoxin is Required for the In Vivo Assembly of FX in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 as Shown by Optical and EPR Spectroscopy" J. Biol. Chem., 277, 20355-20366 (2002).
Shen, G., Zhao, J., Reimer, S.K., Antonkine, M.L., Cai, Q., Weiland, S.M., Golbeck, J.H., Bryant, D.A., "Assembly of Photosystem I. I. Inactivation of the rubA Gene Encoding a Membrane-Associated Rubredoxin in the Cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 Causes a Loss of Photosystem I Activity" J. Biol. Chem., 277, 20343-20354 (2002).
Antonkine, M.L., Liu, G., Bentrop, D. Bryant, D.A., Bertini, I., Luchinat, C., Golbeck, J.H., Stehlik, D., "Solution Structure of the Unbound, Oxidized Photosystem I Subunit PsaC, Containing [4Fe-4S] Clusters FA and FB. A Conformational Change Occurs Upon Binding to Photosystem I" J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 4, 461-472 (2002).
Vassiliev, I.R., Antonkine, M.L., Golbeck J.H. (invited review) "Iron-Sulfur Clusters in Type I Reaction Centers." Biochim. Biophys. Acta. Bioenerg. (special issue on Photosystem I), 1507, 139-160 (2001).
Vassilieva, E.V., Antonkine, M.L., Zybailov, B.L., Yang, F., Jakobs, C., Golbeck, J.H., Bryant, D.A., "Electron Transfer May Occur in the Chlorosome Envelope: the CsmI and CsmJ Proteins of Chlorosomes are 2Fe-2S Ferredoxins" Biochemistry, 40, 464-473 (2001).
Stehlik, D., Antonkine, M. L., Golbeck, J. H., Jordan, P., Fromme, P., Krauss, N., "Assembly of PsaC Subunit within Stromal Ridge of Photosystem I Core. Comparison of PsaC Bound and Solution Structure", PS2001 Proceedings, 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis, Brisbane, CSIRO Publishing, ISBN 0643 06711 6, http://www.publish.csiro.au/issue/1342.htm
Leartsakulpanich, U., Antonkine, M.L., Ferry, J.G., "Site-Specific Mutational Analysis of a Novel Cysteine Motif Proposed to Ligate the 4Fe-4S Cluster in the Iron-Sulfur Flavoprotein (Isf) of the Thermophilic Methanoarchaeon Methanosarcina thermophila" J. Bacteriol., 182, 5309-5316 (2000).
Antonkine, M.L., Bentrop, D., Bertini, I., Luchinat, C., Shen, G., Bryant, D.A., Stehlik, D., Golbeck, J.H., "Paramagnetic 1H NMR Spectroscopy of the Reduced, Unbound Photosystem I Subunit PsaC: Sequence-Specific Assignment of Contact-Shifted Resonances and Identification of Mixed- and Equal-Valence Fe-Fe Pairs in the [4Fe-4S] Centers FA– and FB–" J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 5, 381-392 (2000).
Shen, G., Antonkine, M.L., Vassiliev, I.R., Golbeck, J.H., Bryant, D.A., "A Rubredoxin-Like Protein Plays an Essential Role in Assembly of the FA, FB & FX Iron-Sulfur Clusters in Photosystem I", In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects (Garab, G. Ed.), Kluwer Academic publishers, The Netherlands, Vol. IV, 3147-3150 (1998).
Antonkine, M.L., Falzone, C., Hansen, A., Yang, F., Golbeck, J. H., "Chemical Rescue of Site-Modified Ligands to the Iron-Sulfur Clusters of PsaC in Photosystem I", In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects (Garab, G. Ed.) Kluwer Academic publishers, The Netherlands, Vol. I, 659-662 (1998).
MBA Gabriela Blumberger
ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences
ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences

MBA Gabriela Blumberger
Scientific Officer and Project Manager
Phone: +49 89 9901888-0 bzw. direkt: -132
Curriculum vitae
M. Sc. Sebastian Botzler
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy

Curriculum vitae
Doris Bruckmeier
Committee Work for the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency & Administration

Doris Bruckmeier
Office Management
- Office organization Munich / Nuremberg / Brussels
- Reception / secretary Munich
Phone: +49 89 9901888-0
Curriculum vitae
M.A. Sarah Brugger
EU Liaison Office in Brussels
Brussels, Belgium
EU Liaison Office in Brussels

M.A. Sarah Brugger
Coordination of UAS4EUROPE-Activities
Phone: +32 (2) 513-5844
Curriculum vitae
M. A. Verena Bürger-Michalek
Project Management
Project Management

M. A. Verena Bürger-Michalek
Head of Unit Project Management
Phone: +48 89 9901888-174
Curriculum vitae
Felix Darius
ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences
ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences
M. A. Michaela Eggert
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Québec / Alberta / International
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Québec / Alberta / International
![[Translate to Englisch:] BayFOR Michaela Eggert M. A. Michaela Eggert](/fileadmin/user_upload/BayFOR-bilder/ueber-uns/team/BayFOR-eggert-michaela.jpg)
Curriculum vitae
Dipl.-Jur. Natalia García Mozo
SME Advisory Services

Curriculum vitae
Elisabeth Gattinger
Student assistant/ Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
Student assistant/ Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
Dr. phil. Florence Gauzy Krieger
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Québec / Alberta / International
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Québec / Alberta / International

Dr. phil. Florence Gauzy Krieger
Head of WKS/ Scientific Coordinator
- Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria- Québec / Alberta / RLS-Sciences
Phone: +49 89 9901888-180
Curriculum vitae
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Dan Gutu
ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences

Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Dan Gutu
Scientific Officer
- Information and communication technologies
- Space
Phone: +49 89 9901888-136

Curriculum vitae
Positions Held
2015 - present
Scientific Officer for Information and Communication Technologies at Bavarian Research Alliance
2010 - 2014
Research Associate at the <link https: www.kit.edu english index.php _blank>KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Architecture
2009 - 2010
Research Associate at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2002 - 2009
Research Associate at the University Karlsruhe, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
1998 - 2002
Study of Industrial Engineering at the University of Karlsruhe, focus cooperate planning
1997 - 1998
DAAD scholar at the University Trier
1994 - 1997
Study of Industrial Engineering at the Politehnica University Bucharest, focus electronics and communications engineering
Anna Hartbein
Curriculum vitae
M.A. Lisa Heinrich
Social Sciences and Humanities | Security and Defence Research
Social Sciences and Humanities | Security and Defence Research
![[Translate to Englisch:] Hoffaeller Lisa M.A. Lisa Heinrich](/fileadmin/user_upload/BayFOR-bilder/ueber-uns/team/BayFOR-hoffaeller-lisa.jpg)
Curriculum vitae
M. A. Susanne Hirschmann
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy

Curriculum vitae
M. A. Elisabeth Holme
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Québec / Alberta / International
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Québec / Alberta / International

Curriculum vitae
M.Sc. Octavian Holtz
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy

Curriculum vitae
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Iberl
ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences

Dipl.-Ing. Robert Iberl
Scientific Officer
- Information and communication technologies
Phone: +49 89 9901888-131

Curriculum vitae
- Huge know-how with the lead of complex telecommunication projects (< 3 Mio. €)
- Lead of international, interfunctional teams (development, sales, marketing, service)
- Many years of experience in intercultural teams
- Responsible for the market introduction of innovative products in the IP area (T-mobile, VDF, etc.)
- Many years of project management experience with regards to control, coordinate and results checking in many different customer projects
Positions Held
10/2012 - to date
Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR), Munich
Scientific Officer, Information and Communication TechnologiesResponsibility to support Bavarian Universities, SMEs and the Industry in getting European funding for their research topics.
06/2012 - 09/2012
Voluntary entry in NSN's professional re-orientation company
04/2010 - 05/2012
Nokia Siemens Networks LLC (NSN), Munich
Senior Product Manager - Voice & IP / Go-to- market / VoLTE
08/2007 - 03/2010
Senior Product Manager – IMS / VoIP / + Training, Munich
04/2007 - 08/2007
Strategy and Business development, Munich
10/2002 - 03/2007
Siemens Inc., Munich
Project Head for Vodafone / Vodacom and Verizon, USA and South Africa
01/2000 - 09/2002
System Architect, Vodafone Group, Munich and worldwide
10/1995 - 12/1999
Technical Project Leader for Satelite networks, USA
01/1992 - 09/1995
System Integrator
01/1991 - 12/1991
Ericsson Inc., Sweden
GSM specialist with regards to core and radio networks
12/1987 - 12/1990
Siemens Inc., Munich
Development engineer, C450 cell phone system
1986 - 1987
Diploma thesis for Ink Jet printers
1982 - 1986
Study of Electronics Engineering at University in Munich
Selection of Projects
Position: Product Manager, Go-to-market (IMS, FMC)
Customer: Vodafone Romania
Duration: 10/2010 – 03/2011
Skills: Analysis, Specifications, Test strategy, Realization, Implementation
Software / Tools: Microsoft Office, Project
- Change TDM Core Network into IP based systems
- Analysis of ´legacy´ Hardware and Software
- Realize solution with ATCA based hardware
- Implementation of IMS, at first as ´Hosted Solution´ with VDF Italy
Position: Head of Project
Customer: VODACOM Inc.
Duration: 10/2003 – 08/2005
Skills: Analysis, Specifications, Test strategy, Realization, Implementation
Software / Tools: Microsoft Office, Project, SAP/R3
- Introduction of a UMTS Core – and Radio System
- Competitor analysis
- Migration strategy
- Implementation of the first UMTS network on the African continent
Position: Technical Project Leader
Customer: IRIDIUM LLC.
Duration: 10/1995 – 10/1998
Skills: Analysis, Specification, Test strategy, Realization, Implementation
Software / Tools: Microsoft Office, Project, K1197 Protokolltester, D900 Tracing Tools
- IRIDIUM-satellite interface to be analyzed
- Set-up functional specification
- Software implementation and test
Download detailed CV
<link file:2520 _blank>Download detailed CV
M.A. André Isidro
Social Sciences and Humanities | Security and Defence Research
Social Sciences and Humanities | Security and Defence Research
Curriculum vitae
M. Sc. Sebastian Kägler
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
![[Translate to Englisch:] BayFOR Sebastian Kägler M. Sc. Sebastian Kägler](/fileadmin/user_upload/BayFOR-bilder/ueber-uns/team/BayFOR-kaegler-sebastian.jpg)
M. Sc. Sebastian Kägler
Scientific Coordinator (on parental leave)
Phone: +49 89 9901888-126
Curriculum vitae
Christos Kaitatzis
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy
Dr. Amarachi Kalu
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy

Curriculum vitae
M.A. Carolin Kammradt-Cheikhi

M.A. Carolin Kammradt-Cheikhi
Human Resources
Phone: +49 89 9901888-104
Curriculum vitae
Susan Kelly

Curriculum vitae
Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Kießling
ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences
ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences

Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Kießling
Scientific Officer
- Nanotechnology and materials
- Energy-efficient buildings and green vehicles
Phone: +49 911 50715-920

Curriculum vitae
Positions Held
Successful defense of the doctoral thesis
Scientific Officer at the Bavarian Research Alliance
Acceptance to "Graduate School Advanced Materials and Processes" (Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials (EAM))
Research fellow at Physical Chemistry – Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) - Prof. Dr. Dirk Guldi
Topic: "Carbon Structured Model Systems for Photovoltaic Applications"
11/2005 - 07/2006
Master´s degree in Molecular Science at FAU after 6 month research at Tel Aviv University - Israel
Topic: "Fluidic Alignment of Nanotube Structures for Nano-electronic Devices and Application"
09/2004 - 10/2005
Master programme "Molecular Science" in Erlangen (FAU). Emphasis on "Molecular Nanoscience", "Physical Chemistry" and "Theoretical Chemistry"
09/2001 - 09/2004
Bachelor programme "Molecular Science" in Erlangen (FAU).
Bachelor Thesis: "Analysis of CO Oxidation on Pt(335) via molecular beam method"
Elias Krikonas
Project Management
Project Management
Elias Krikonas
Project Manager
- EU project STREAMING
Phone: +49 89 9901 888-176
Curriculum vitae
Dipl.-Geogr. /M. A. Gudrun Lampart
Project Management
Project Management

Dipl.-Geogr. /M. A. Gudrun Lampart
- Coordination Bavarian University Funding Programme for the Initiation of International Projects (BayIntAn)
- Project Manager EU project UPSCALE
Phone: +49 89 9901888-172
Curriculum vitae
Lina Lopatko
Project Management
Project Management
Mag. Karin Lukas-Eder
EU Liaison Office in Brussels
Brussels, Belgium
EU Liaison Office in Brussels

Mag. Karin Lukas-Eder
BayFOR Representative / EU Liaison Office in Brussels
- Representation of interests at/in the European institutions (all subject areas)
- Mediation for contact persons and/or consultants
- Organisation for project presentations in Brussels
Phone: +32 2 5134121
Curriculum vitae
M. Sc. Nivedita Mahida-Königsdörfer
SME Advisory Services
SME Advisory Services

M. Sc. Nivedita Mahida-Königsdörfer
Scientific Officer
Phone: +49 89 9901888-175
Curriculum vitae
Nina Maier
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy/ Public Relations
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy/ Public Relations
Dr. phil. Sabrina Maurus
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa

Curriculum vitae
Haleh Mohajerani

Curriculum vitae
M. Sc. Vanessa Morales
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy

M. Sc. Vanessa Morales
Project Manager
- EU project WE-ACT
- EU project INCiTiS-FOOD
Curriculum vitae
M. A. Ninetta Palmer
Public Relations
Public Relations

M. A. Ninetta Palmer
Public Relations Officer
Public Relations
Phone: +49 89 9901888-118
Curriculum vitae
Dr. rer. nat. Panteleïmon Panagiotou
ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences

Dr. rer. nat. Panteleïmon Panagiotou
Head of Unit
Phone: +49 89 9901888-130

Curriculum vitae
Positions Held
2013 - now
Member of the EU Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation (Unit D3)'s High Level Group Nano & Materials - in this capacity representing Bavarian interests
2007 - now
Head of Unit Information & Communication Technologies, Engineering & Natural Sciences, Bavarian Research Alliance
2004 - 2005
Postdoctoral research fellow at DESY in Hamburg, at ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) and at ILL (Institut Laue-Langevin) in Grenoble
2001 - 2006
PhD in the field of physics at Technische Universität München; Characterisation of the surface structure and morphology of thin polymer blends by scanning force microscopy, neutron and synchrotron scattering.
2000 - 2001
Scientific employee at the Institute for Physical Chemistry at University of Bayreuth and at the Institute for Physical Chemistry & Electrochemistry at Leibniz Universität Hannover
1999 - 2000
Diploma thesis in physical chemistry at University of Bayreuth
Undergraduate research fellow at CNRS (Laboratoire de Chimie de Surface) in Lyon, France
1995 - 1996
Studies abroad at École supérieure de chimie physique électronique de Lyon
1992 - 2000
Study of chemistry at University of Bayreuth
LL. B. Diana Panteleev

Curriculum vitae
Sofia Parthenidou

Sofia Parthenidou
Head of Unit Administration
- Human Resource Management
- Finance & Controlling
- Administration Management
Phone: +49 89 9901888-105
Curriculum vitae
M. A. Kerstin Pecher
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
Curriculum vitae
M. Sc. Lea Pfäffel
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Québec / Alberta / International
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Québec / Alberta / International

Curriculum vitae
Ass. jur. Martin Reichel
M. Sc. Julia Richter
SME Advisory Services
SME Advisory Services

Curriculum vitae
Dr. Nico Riemann
ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences

Dr. Nico Riemann
Scientific Officer and Deputy Head of Unit
- Production
- Transport
Phone: +49 911 50715-910

Curriculum vitae
Positions Held
2011 - to date
Scientific Officer for Information & Communication Technologies, Engineering & Natural Sciences at Bavarian Research Alliance
2008 - 2010
National Contact Point for Production at Projektträger Karlsruhe, Produktion und Fertigungstechnologien (PTKA-PFT), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
2006 - 2008
Research Assoicate at Molcad GmbH: Planning, organisation and work-out of projects concerning numerical modelling of molecular properties and bio-mineralisation
2002 - 2005
PhD in Bioinformatics at Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie Jena, today Leibnitz-Institut für Altersforschung, and at International University Bremen, today Jacobs University. (Topic: Development of numerical simulation models and Homology modelling of proteins.);
Publications: "Refinement of protein cores and protein-protein interfaces using a potential scaling approach." Protein Engineering 18(10): 465-476 (2005); "Reversible scaling of dihedral angle barriers during molecular dynamics to improve structure prediction of cyclic peptides." J. Peptide Res. 63, 354-364 (2004)
2000 - 2001
Research Associate in semiconductor physics at Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: Publication "Density dependent intersubband absorption in strongly disordered systems", Phys. Rev. B 65, 115304 (2002)
1993 - 2000
Diploma in Physics at Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg; Thesis connected to Intersubband transitions in doped semiconductors
Emmanuelle Rouard
Public Relations

Emmanuelle Rouard
Head of Unit
Public Relations
- for BayFOR
- for the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency
- for Research Associations
- for EU projects
- Event management
Phone: +49 89 9901888-111
Curriculum vitae
M. Sc. Fiona Rumohr-Jordan
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Québec / Alberta / International
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Québec / Alberta / International

Curriculum vitae
Paulina Schichor
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Israel
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Israel
M. Sc. Janina Schneiker
Health Research & Biotechnology
Health Research & Biotechnology

Curriculum vitae
M. Sc. Anita Schnierle
Project Management
Project Management

M. Sc. Anita Schnierle
Project Manager
- EU project ClimTip
Phone: +49 89 9901888-177
Curriculum vitae
M. Sc. Melanie Schulte
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa

M. Sc. Melanie Schulte
Team Coordinator and Scientific Coordinator
Phone: +49 89 9901 888-124
Curriculum vitae
M. A. Julia Sesto
Public Relations
Public Relations

M. A. Julia Sesto
Public Relations Officer
Public Relations
Phone: +49 89 9901888-114
Curriculum vitae
M. Sc. Anna Stegmann
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa

Curriculum vitae
Naemi Stolte
Student assistant/ Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities | Security
Student assistant/ Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities | Security
Dr. Evamaria Stütz
Health Research & Biotechnology
Health Research & Biotechnology

Curriculum vitae
M. A. Marcus Süß
Project Management
Project Management

M. A. Marcus Süß
Team Coordinator Project management
- EU project CirCoFin
Phone: +49 911 50715-940
Curriculum vitae
M. A. Natalie Tudman-Bless
Public Relations
Public Relations

M. A. Natalie Tudman-Bless
Public Relations Officer
Public Relations
- for EU projects
Phone: +49 89 9901888-201
Curriculum vitae
M. Sc. Tim Emil Uebelen
EU Liaison Office in Brussels
Brussels, Belgium
EU Liaison Office in Brussels

M. Sc. Tim Emil Uebelen
BayFOR Representative / EU Liaison Office in Brussels
Phone: +32 2 5035234
Curriculum vitae
Dr. rer. nat. Gernot Vogt
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy

Curriculum vitae
Marianne Volle
SME Advisory Services
SME Advisory Services
Dr. Alexander Widmann
Social Sciences and Humanities | Security and Defence Research
Social Sciences and Humanities | Security and Defence Research

Dr. Alexander Widmann
Scientific Officer
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Security and Defense Research
Phone: +49 (0)89 9901888-162
Curriculum vitae
MBA Simone Wiegand
ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences
ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences

MBA Simone Wiegand
Project Manager
- EU project InShaPe
- EU project NEBourhood
Phone: +49 89 9901888-134
Curriculum vitae
M.A. Birte Wolff
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy
Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy
M.A. Birte Wolff
Project Manager (on parental leave)
- EU project WE-ACT
- EU project INCiTiS-FOOD
Phone: +49 (0)89 9901 888-129