Administrative issues
When it comes to administrative issues, the transition from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe – as with the programme as a whole – can be described as an evolution rather than a revolution. Much remains the same, and tried-and-tested parts of the programme are retained. In principle, it can be said that Horizon Europe will become a brand for excellence.
New under Horizon Europe
- Rules for participation and the dissemination of results are part of the Horizon Europe Regulation
- The minimum number of partners remains three. What is new is the fact that, unless otherwise specified in the work programme, at least one of these partners must be from an EU Member State. In the case of ERC, EIC, MSCA and co-financed actions, at least one entity must be from an EU Member State or an associated state.
- Corporate Model Grant Agreement: The new support contract applies to all EU programmes under the EU Multiannual Financial Framework from 2021 to 2027. The objective is the harmonisation, standardisation, uniform design and interpretation of EU programmes. It is also intended to promote synergies between EU programmes.
- Personnel costs are no longer billed via hourly rates, but via daily rates.
- The 'Other direct costs' familiar from Horizon 2020 are called 'Purchase costs' under Horizon Europe.
- A Certificate on Financial Statement (CFS) should only be submitted upwards of a total cost of 430,000 euro (direct and indirect costs) for the organisation involved.
Funding rate
- General funding rate, for example for research and innovation or coordination and support actions: max. 100%
- Innovation measure: max. 70%. Exception: 100% for non-profit organisations
- Co-financing measure: min. 30%, max. 70% in justified cases
A single flat rate for indirect costs (25% of the direct costs) shall apply for all measures.
Basic principles of funding
- Transparency: Costs must be verified
- Co-financing requirement: The funded entity should contribute its own share (e.g. for equipment or indirect costs)
- Prohibition of profit
- No cumulation ban: Resources from Horizon Europe can be combined with other EU funding programmes
The Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal
The Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal covers all EU programmes and has two areas.
Public area:
- Invitations to tender
- Document database
- Support information
- Online manual
- PIC search (Participant Identification Code)
Log-in area:
- Participant registration (PIC)
- Application creation
- Submission of application
- Contract preparation
- Amendments to the agreement
- Reporting
- Registration as a potential expert
The Funding & Tenders Opportunities Portal can be accessed at https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/home
For more information concerning the administrative handling of projects in Horizon Europe, please contact: