ADVOS Description Programme: Horizon 2020, European Innovation Council, SME Instrument Phase 2, Call: EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 Funding amount: EUR 2.3 million for Bavaria Project duration:…
UNITI Description Programme: Horizon 2020, Call: SC1-BHC-02-2019 Funding amount: €6 million, of which €900,000 is for Bavaria Funding period: 01/2020-12/2022 Coordinator: Dr Winfried Schlee,…
Smart4Diagnostics Description Programme: Horizon 2020, EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 Funding amount: EUR 1.05 million grant and EUR 1 million equity (EU silent participation) Funding period:…
ySKILLS Description Programme: H2020, Call: H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-2018-2019-2020 Funding period: 01/2020-12/2023 Funding amount: €3.2 million, of which €220,000 for Bavaria Coordinator:…
SeaClear Description Programme: Horizon 2020; Call: H2020-ICT-2018-2020 Funding amount: €5 million, of which €690,000 is for Bavaria Funding period: 01/2020-12/2023 Coordinator: Prof. Bart De…
CARAMEL Description Programme: Horizon 2020, ICT Funding amount: €5 million, of which €656,000 is for Bavaria Funding period: 10/2019–03/2022 Coordinator: Dr Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas, I2CAT,…
System Requirements for Online Meetings
System requriements for Online Meetings You can attend a meeting from anywhere, anytime using a compatible computer or mobile device! Check below for a list of our system requirements or run your…
PREVISION Description Programme: Horizon 2020, Societal Challenges (Security) Funding amount: €8 million, of which €376,000 is allocated to Bavaria Funding period: 09/2019–08/2021 …
System Requirements for Online Events
System Requirements for Online Events You can attend a webinar from anywhere, anytime using a compatible computer or mobile device! Join a Classic or Standard webinar Operating…
Presentations Virtual Energy Day Gender-Just Energy
Virtual Energy Day – Breaking out of the bubble: why gender-just energy communities speed up the energy transition (and sustainable development overall) 25 June 2020 Presentations of the…