- Programme: Horizon 2020, European Innovation Council, SME Instrument Phase 2, Call: EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020
- Funding amount: EUR 2.3 million for Bavaria
- Project duration: 12/2019-11/2021
- Coordinator: Dr. med. Bernhard Kreymann, ADVITOS GmbH
- Project number: 880349
- Internet: https://www.advitos.com/en/funktionsweise
ADVOS – Revolution in intensive care medicine for the treatment of multi-organ failure
One of the most feared complications in intensive care is the simultaneous failure of several vital organs. If three such organs fail at the same time, only one in five patient survives. The EU project ADVOS (ADVanced Organ Support) provides the world's first device for the combined support of liver, lung and kidney.
When the three main detoxification organs – liver, lung and kidney – are limited in their functioning, life-threatening toxins accumulate in the body and affect other organs. While conventional methods can only maintain the function of one or two organs, ADVOS supports all three of the main detoxification organs simultaneously. The device even eliminates water-insoluble toxins via access points that are typical of dialysis. The dialysis fluid contains the protein albumin which binds these substances and makes them transportable. In addition to these protein-bound toxins (liver), the device not only eliminates water-soluble toxins (kidney) and CO2 (lung) from the blood, it also rectifies the acid-base balance. By means of “SME Instrument Phase 2” funding under Horizon 2020, the EU is supporting the latest development stages of this device and the final steps towards commercialisation. Among other things and because of experiences gained, this includes improvement in usability to take account of staff shortages in intensive care units and also software optimisation. In this pre-commercialisation phase, ADVITOS GmbH benefits from the EU's business acceleration services: the company receives free support from up to three business coaches and is able to participate in specifically tailored international events at which it is able to present itself to potential customers and investors.
See here, how the Rechts der Isar Hospital uses the ADVOS therapy for COVID-19 patients (clip in German language):
- In-depth advisory services and application
- Preparation and support for the project pitch in Brussels

Dr Bernhard Kreymann
Phone: +49 (0)89 4111 842-0
Email: bernhard.kreymann@no-spam-pleaseadvitos.com
Contact at BayFOR

Natalia García Mozo
Head of Unit SME Advisory Services
Phone: +49 89 9901888-171
Email: mozo@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org