
2126 results:
Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

BW L 41 GT Entwicklung eines Formoptimierungstools für neuartige, kompakte Labyrinthdichtungen zur Leckagereduktion in Turbomaschinen


BW L 41 GT Entwicklung eines Formoptimierungstools für neuartige, kompakte Labyrinthdichtungen zur Leckagereduktion in Turbomaschinen

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

BW W 36 GT Experimentelle Untersuchung von Gasturbinen-Axialdiffusoren


BW W 36 GT Experimentelle Untersuchung von Gasturbinen-Axialdiffusoren

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

BW W 37 GT Nachweis der Leistungsfähigkeit eines auf einem zeitlich veränderlichen Leistungsrechnungsmodell basierten Monitoring-Prognoseverfahren anhand relevanter Betriebsdaten


BW W 37 GT Nachweis der Leistungsfähigkeit eines auf einem zeitlich veränderlichen Leistungsrechnungsmodell basierten Monitoring-Prognoseverfahren anhand relevanter Betriebsdaten

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

BW W 39 GT Anwendung inverser Messmethodiken zur Bestimmung des lokalen Wärmeübergangs bei innen gekühlten Turbinenschaufeln


BW W 39 GT Anwendung inverser Messmethodiken zur Bestimmung des lokalen Wärmeübergangs bei innen gekühlten Turbinenschaufeln

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

BW W 41 GT Experimentelle Untersuchung von neuartigen, kompakten Labyrinthdichtungen zur Leckagereduktion in Turbomaschinen


BW W 41 GT Experimentelle Untersuchung von neuartigen, kompakten Labyrinthdichtungen zur Leckagereduktion in Turbomaschinen

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

BY 10 GT Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Dünnwandigkeit auf die mechanischen Hochtemperatureigenschaften verschiedener Nickelbasissuperlegieren


BY 10 GT Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Dünnwandigkeit auf die mechanischen Hochtemperatureigenschaften verschiedener Nickelbasissuperlegieren

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

BY 11 GT Erhöhung von Effizienz und Sicherheit von Gasturbinen durch besser gießbare Werkstoffe


BY 11 GT Erhöhung von Effizienz und Sicherheit von Gasturbinen durch besser gießbare Werkstoffe

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

BY 12 GT Computergestützte Bauweisenoptimierung moderner Turbokomponenten im Gasturbinenbau


BY 12 GT Computergestützte Bauweisenoptimierung moderner Turbokomponenten im Gasturbinenbau

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

F054F Untersuchungen zur Eignung von Reststoffmaterialien in Kapillarsperren für Deponieabdichtungen


F054F Untersuchungen zur Eignung von Reststoffmaterialien in Kapillarsperren für Deponieabdichtungen Grant-aided by:Bavarian State Ministry for Environmental Affairs and Consumer Protection

Search results - Bavarian Research Associations
Your search results are displayed in three categories. The results found on the pages of the Bavarian Research Associations will be shown first. Then you will find the results from the pages of the BayFOR website, followed by the results from the pages of the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS).

F153 Methoden zur Bestimmung des Wasserhaushalts von Deponieabdeckungen


F153 Methoden zur Bestimmung des Wasserhaushalts von Deponieabdeckungen

Search results 1791 until 1800 of 2126

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BayFOR Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency