Event Archive

Number of Entries: 238

Workshop: How to write successful applications for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships & ERC Grants


Workshop: How to write successful applications for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships & ERC Grants

On 27 March 2025, the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt) and the Bavarian Academy of Sciences invite you to an exclusive workshop on research funding. The focus will be on ‘MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships’ and ‘ERC Grants’ – two renowned EU research funding programmes. BayFOR will present the EU Research Framework Programme Horizon Europe and its support services for the application process.

[Translate to Englisch:] Forschungscafé


Forschungscafé "15th Call for proposals for joint R&D projects between Germany and Canada"

Welcome to the next Forschungscafé with Georg Nagel, Head of International Cooperation, AiF Projekt GmbH (ZIM), and Andrew Bauder, Industrial Technology Advisor, National Research Council - Industrial Research Assistance Programme (NRC-IRAP). Together they will present the new call for joint industrial research and development projects (R&D) between Germany and Canada. The call focuses on the development of innovative products, processes or technology-based services in all fields of technology and application.

12th Research Day 2025


12th Research Day 2025

The 12th Research Day will take place on 25 February 2025 in the I building of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT). The aim of the series of events is to provide an insight into the research priorities of the DIT and to attract potential partners from industry for joint projects. The Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) will provide information on EU funding programmes for research and innovation.

BayFOR on a delegation trip to Greece and Cyprus


BayFOR on a delegation trip to Greece and Cyprus: Exhibition for German companies in the field of e-mobility and sustainable urban development

From 24 to 27 February 2025, the German-Greek Chamber of Commerce (AHK) and SBS systems for business solutions GmbH are organising a delegation trip to Greece and Cyprus on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. The aim is to present an exhibition specially designed for German small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It offers the opportunity to explore the local market, make valuable contacts and develop new business areas. Also taking part: BayFOR, which advises companies on EU funding opportunities for projects in e-mobility, sustainable mobility and smart urban development projects under Horizon Europe.

Business Breakfast Greece


Business Breakfast Greece

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria (CCI), together with the Greek Consulate General in Munich, is organising a "Business Breakfast Greece" on 18 February 2025. The topic: Opportunities and prospects for the Greek economy. BayFOR will also be present to present EU funding opportunities for research and innovation projects and its free service portfolio.

Medtec Summit 2025 key visual


BayFIA at the MedtecSUMMIT Congress 2025 Nuremberg

The MedtecSUMMIT Congress, initiated by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, opens its doors on 18 and 19 February in Nuremberg, Germany. Take the opportunity to get in touch with experts from the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency (BayFIA). You will gain valuable insights into EU research and funding opportunities for your R&I project!

EU funding opportunities in the field of BATTERY 2025


Future EU funding opportunities in the field of BATTERY - Information and how to participate

On 14 February 2025, the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) will host an information event on the upcoming EU funding opportunities in the field of BATTERY. The event is aimed at Bavarian stakeholders in the field of batteries and will also provide an opportunity for international networking. 

BayFOR at the event ‘The funding safari through the EU jungle’


BayFOR at the event ‘The funding safari through the EU jungle’

On 11 February 2025, the event ‘The funding safari through the EU jungle’ will take place at Hof University of Applied Sciences. Researchers and innovative SMEs will have the opportunity to find out about suitable European funding programmes. The Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) will be on site and give a presentation focussing specifically on the needs of SMEs.

BayFOR at the 3rd Regional Hydrogen Conference


Regional Conference on the Future of Hydrogen - Technology Region Augsburg

On 5 February 2025, the "Regional Conference on the Future of Hydrogen" will once again open its doors. For the third time, leading figures from business, science and politics will meet to discuss the potential and challenges of hydrogen technology in the Augsburg Technology Region.

[Translate to Englisch:] Forschungscafé


Forschungscafé - "Technology Trend Scouting Canada and Cooperation Opportunities"

For our first Forschungscafé of 2025, we are pleased to welcome Nico Goller, Project Manager, Innovation Management at Bayern Innovativ. Nico Goller will present the results of an extensive technology trend scouting conducted along Canadian high technology sectors. 

Number of Entries: 238

Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

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Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

BayFOR Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency