Expert knowledge: the Open Research Europe (ORE) platform
In March 2021, Open Research Europe (ORE), the EC's open access publishing platform was launched. Whether you are a partner in a Horizon Europe or Horizon 2020 project, or a grantee of a European…
Horizon Europe: Work Programme 2023-24 update
Today, the Commission has adopted an amendment to the main Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024. The aim of this amendment is to foster research and innovation supporting civil security for…
European Commission: public consultation on defining an EU climate target for 2040
The European Climate Law calls on the European Commission to make a proposal to set an intermediate Union-wide climate target for 2040 with a view to achieving the climate neutrality objective by…
Horizon Europe Coordinators´ Day on grant management
The European Commission is organising another Horizon Europe Coordinators' Day on 8 June 2023 from 9:30 to 12:40. This edition of the event will focus on grant management.
New version of Annotated Model Grant Agreement published
The European Commission recently published a new version of the Annotated Model Grant Agreement (AGA) for Horizon Europe on the Funding & Tenders Portal. The document is still a draft version…
ESFRI: Strategic analysis of the research infrastructure landscape
ESFRI cordially invites Research Infrastructures (RI) of European importance and other ESFRI Stakeholder Forum members to provide their insights on topics of the current work plan (for example RI…
EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2023: Registration open
This year's EU Knowledge Valorisation Week, from 25 to 28 April 2023, invites research and innovation actors to engage on best practices, opportunities and challenges of knowledge valorisation…
Funding & Tenders Portal - the 2-factor authentication procedure is coming!
The changeover of the login procedure to 2-factor authentication (2FA) has been announced in the Funding & Tenders Portal for some time - it has now been confirmed that the changeover will come…
European Commission invests €1.3 billion in digital transformation and cybersecurity
The European Commission is providing almost €1.3 billion for two multi-annual work programmes for the Digital Europe programme. The aim is to strengthen Europe's technological sovereignty and develop…
UAS4EUROPE Networking Conference 2023 - "Halfway to the Horizon: Universities of Applied Sciences on the right track?"
UAS4EUROPE Networking Conference 2023 - "Halfway to the Horizon: Universities of Applied Sciences on the right track?"