EU Brokerage Event on Digital & Industrial Technologies, Mobility, OITB & M-ERA.NET
Presentations from the event on 29 April 2021:
Introduction to services of Bavarian Research Alliance
Dr Panteleimon Panagiotou, Head of Unit ICT, Engineering & Natural Sciences (Bavarian Research alliance)
Introduction to services of Enterprise Europe Network
Natalia Garcia Mozo, Head of Unit Business Support Services (Bavarian Research Alliance)
Introduction to Horizon Europe
Michael Wessel, NCP for Digital and industrial technologies (Projektträger Jülich)
Introduction to OITB - LightCoce and its Open calls
Prof. Maria Taxiarchou (National Technical University of Athens, NTUA)
Introduction to OITB - LightME and its Open calls
Prof. Luca Magagnin (Politecnico Di Milano, Polimi)
Introduction to OITB - LEE-BED and its Open calls
Dr Zachary J. Davis (Danish Technological Institute, DTI)
Introduction to OITB - OASIS and its Open calls
Mr. Roman Pasek (AMIRES)
Introduction to M-ERA.NET
Michael Wessel, NCP for Digital and industrial technologies (Projektträger Jülich)