One Health AMR partnership: draft Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda published

[Translate to Englisch:] JPIAMR

The candidate Horizon Europe Partnership on antimicrobial resistance - One Health AMR - has published a first draft of its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The One Health AMR Partnership is currently being prepared through a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) and expected to start its activities in 2025. The CSA is coordinated by the Swedish Research Council and Germany’s DLR is a partner in the consortium.

The aim of the One Health AMR Partnership is to coordinate research and innovation in the field of AMR, to advance knowledge in the field, to find innovative solutions and to reduce the burden of AMR.

The research and innovation objectives of the One Health AMR Partnership are to understand, prevent and tackle AMR and are divided into five thematic areas: Therapeutics, Diagnostics, Surveillance, Transmission and Evolution and Interventions for prevention and mitigation.

The SRIA is a preliminary draft and will undergo further consultation before the partners of the One Health AMR will adopt it at the start of 2025.

Further information can be found here.


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