EU Commission launches one-stop-shop to support researchers of Ukraine
![EU Commission launches one-stop-shop to support researchers of Ukraine [Translate to Englisch:] ERA4Ukraine](/fileadmin/user_upload/BayFOR-bilder/aktuelles/news/BayFOR-era4ukraine-c.png)
The portal brings together initiatives at the EU level, per country and from non-governmental groups. It aims to help affected researchers find housing and job opportunities, facilitate the recognition of their diplomas, and offer other services.
The ERA4Ukraine portal is launched on the existing EURAXESS network, which supports researchers by connecting more than 600 centres and 43 national portals across the EU Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe. All information will soon be available in both English and Ukrainian. Each Member State and associated country has a national portal on which support services are listed in a structured way. So far, 30 country portals are available.
In the same vein, already last week, Maria Leptin, the President of the European Research Council (ERC) has asked all 5600 ERC grantees to provide temporary employment to refugee researchers and support staff from Ukraine. This new ERC initiative is included in the ERA4Ukraine portal. So far, within just a couple of days, 380 offers have been received. A press release has been published here.
Other EU initiatives include access to Science4Refugees, an existing EURAXESS initiative that provides internships, part-time and full-time jobs to refugees, as well as access to a European Research Community, EU solidarity with Ukraine and MSCA – Researchers at risk.
The ERA4Ukraine portal also links to #Science4Ukraine, a community group of volunteer students and research scientists from academic institutions in Europe and around the world. The volunteers collect and disseminate information about support opportunities at the university, national, and international levels for graduate students and researchers directly affiliated to a Ukraine academic institution.