EIC Work Programme 2022: Support for innovative SMEs

[Translate to Englisch:] EIC Arbeitsprogramm 2022

On 9 February 2022, the European Innovation Council (EIC) published its new work programme for 2022. It offers support to highly innovative SMEs and start-ups across the entire innovation chain, from basic research to commercialisation of the product and scaling of the business model. The main focus is on identifying breakthrough technologies that have the potential to disrupt existing markets and become international market leaders.

The EIC work programme consists of a total of three funding instruments: the EIC Pathfinder, the EIC Transition and the EIC Accelerator. In addition, there are the EIC Prizes, which help to address global challenges with groundbreaking solutions.

With a total budget of €1.67 billion, the programme includes new measures to support women's innovation performance and female-led scale-ups. In addition, new initiatives (e.g. Scale-Up 100) and facilitations in the application phase for applicants have been integrated into the programme.

EIC Pathfinder: This instrument supports radically new technologies at an early stage of development (low TRL level 1-4) with the aim of achieving proof of concept. Again this year, there are two ways to apply: EIC Pathfinder "Open" and EIC Pathfinder "Challenges".

  • EIC Pathfinder Open (open topic) - application deadline on 3 May 2022. total budget 183 million euros.
  • EIC Pathfinder Challenges (thematic) - application deadline 19 October 2022. total budget of €167 million. Six challenges are foreseen in 2022:

        1. "Carbon dioxide and nitrogen management and valorisation"
        2. "mid to long term and systems-integrated energy storage"
        3. "cardiogenomics"
        4. "Towards the Healthcare Continuum: technologies to support a radical shift from episodic to continuos healthcare".
        5. "DNA-based digital data storage"
        6. "Alternative approaches to Quantum Information Processing, Communication and Sensing"

The EIC Pathfinder Open requires a consortium of at least three legal entities from at least three member states. The EIC Pathfinder Challenges is also aimed at consortia (at least two legal entities), but also at individual applicants (except large companies).

EIC Transition: This instrument is mainly about the further development of the results of the EIC Pathfinder or the European Research Council (ERC). This year there is also the possibility to apply for the EIC Transition Open or the EIC Transition Challenges. Both calls have the same cut-off dates: 4 May 2022 and 28 September 2022. A total of 130 million euros is available for the funding period. The EIC Transition Challenges specifies the following topics:

1. "Green digital devices for the future"
2. "process and system integration of clean energy technologies"
3. "RNA-based therapies and diagnostics for complex or rare genetic diseases".

EIC Accelerator: The funding instrument is aimed at all SMEs and start-ups with disruptive, high-risk and breakthrough innovations with large, international market potential. The application process consists of three phases: Short Application, Full Application and the Pitch in front of the Jury.
For both the EIC Accelerator Open and the EIC Accelerator Challenges, the Short Application (Step 1 of 3) can be submitted at any time. For the Full Application (Step 2 of 3), there are three cut-off dates in 2022: 23 March 2022, 15 June 2022 and 5 October 2022. The total budget for the EIC Accelerator in 2022 is €1.16 billion. The themes for the EIC Accelerator Challenges are:

1. "Technologies for Open Strategic Autonomy".
2. "Technologies for `Fit for 55`"

Other exciting news: In addition to traditional funding options, such as blended finance, applicants now have the opportunity to apply for EIC investments of more than €15 million. Also, when resubmitting the full application, you have the option to respond to the reviewers' comments by using the "rebuttal" button. In addition, the EIC Accelerator will now provide even more intensive support for innovators and introduce a new fast-track procedure to the European Institute of Technology (EIT).

If you have any questions or suggestions, for example regarding the complete application process of the EIC Accelerator or the various funding opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact us - we will be happy to advise and support you!

In addition to the publication of the work programme, the EIC will organise an EIC Applicant's Day. This will take place on 22 February 2022. You can find the registration form under this link. Everything else and the full work programme can be found here.

Dipl.-Jur. Natalia García Mozo

Natalia García Mozo
Head of Unit SME Advisory Services
Phone: +49 89 9901888-171
Email: mozo@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org

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