New European “Green Deal Call" – 1 billion euros for research and innovation

The "Green Deal" includes an action plan to boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy, restoring biodiversity and cutting pollution. The plan outlines investments needed and financial tools available.
The plan also explains how to ensure a just and inclusive transition, which takes social and economic aspects into account in addition to comprehensive ecological criteria.
The core measures of the European Green Deal are:
- Investing in new environmentally friendly technologies
- Supporting industry to innovate
- Rolling out cleaner, cheaper and healthier forms of private and public transport
- Decarbonising the energy sector
- Ensuring buildings are more energy efficient
- Working with international partners to improve global environmental standards
Essential contribution of research and innovation: The "Green Deal Call"
In order to achieve the Green Deal objectives, the EU Commission calls on research and innovation stakeholders to develop concrete and innovative solutions and products and develop new technologies through pilot applications and demonstration projects. In parallel with innovation for better governance of the green and digital transition, the EU Commission also expects social and value chain innovation.
A specific "Green Deal" call published today (page 62-154) allows research and innovation stakeholders to submit proposals for research and innovation projects that are expected to deliver relatively quick tangible and visible results and innovation.
In particular, stakeholders and institutions that already have extensive experience in applying for, implementing and assessing the results of R&D projects with a large budget volume are being addressed here. Likewise, applicants should already be familiar with cooperation with international partners from universities, industry, public administration and NGOs.
These calls are still part of the current European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 and follow the rules known here. A total of around one billion euros is available for the "Green Deal" call.
The deadline for the submission of project proposals is 26 January 2021.
Projects may be submitted by interdisciplinary consortia, typically consisting of a wide range of stakeholders and sectors. In addition to academic institutions, partners from industry, administration and civil society in particular are to be represented.
The Green Deal call for proposals covers ten subject areas:
1: Increasing climate ambition and Green Deal impact with cross-cutting solutions
2: Supplying clean, affordable and secure energy
3: Industry for a clean and circular economy
4: Energy and resource efficient buildings
5: Sustainable and smart mobility
6: Farm to Fork
7: Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services
8: A zero-pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment
9: Strengthening our knowledge in support of the European Green Deal
10: Empowering citizens for the transition towards a climate neutral, sustainable Europe
Information on the Green Deal Call will be provided by the European Commission during the Research and Innovation Days (22 - 24 September 2020)
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Source: EU Commission, Federal Ministry of Education and Research