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On this page you can find the latest news on the subject of research and innovation.

Number of Entries: 277


EU Commission announces 100 cities participating in EU Mission for climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030

The Commission today announced the 100 EU cities that will participate in the EU Mission for 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030, the so-called Cities Mission. The 100 cities come from all 27 Member States, with 12 additional cities coming from countries associated or with the potential of being associated to Horizon Europe, the EU's research and innovation programme (2021-2027).


Solidarity with researchers in and from Ukraine: Technical Guide for the Funding & Tenders Portal

Following the EU Commission's launch of Era4Ukraine at the end of March as a one-stop shop to support researchers from Ukraine, here is a technical guide for the Funding & Tenders portal on how to advertise opportunities for Ukrainian researchers to participate in your project.


Destination Earth – new digital twin of the Earth will help tackle climate change and protect nature

The Commission has launched together with partnering organisations the Destination Earth initiative to help tackling climate change. Supported with an initial €150 million from the Digital Europe Programme until mid-2024, the goal is to develop a highly accurate digital model of the Earth.


New strategic agenda published for a European hydrogen economy

Transnational initiative in the European Research Area involves science, industry and civil society in an effort to accelerate the upscaling of the hydrogen economy.


EU Commission launches one-stop-shop to support researchers of Ukraine

The Commission launched the ‘European Research Area for Ukraine' (ERA4Ukraine) portal, a one-stop-shop for information and support services to Ukraine-based researchers and researchers fleeing Ukraine.


The KIC calls for proposals are now published on the Funding & Tenders Portal

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is a body of the EU to strengthen Europe's innovation capacity. The implementation of this goal, i.e. innovation and investment activities with European added value, is the task of the so-called "Knowledge and Innovation Communities" - KICs for short.


EU Prize for Women Innovators 2022: applications open

The European Innovation Council (EIC) is known for supporting SMEs and start-ups from the early stages of research to scale-up, i.e. across the entire innovation spectrum.


Women TechEU: Bavarian company "MUnique Tech" receives funding

With the pilot funding programme Women TechEU, the European Commission supports women-led deep-tech start-ups.


Joint Research Center: New user-friendly tool for European Platform on Rare Disease Registration

The Joint Research Center (JRC) has released a new version of the Central Metadata Repository, a tool that facilitates the integration of data from rare disease registries across Europe. 30 million Europeans are affected by more than 6000 different rare diseases.


Solidarity with Ukraine: Bavaria sets up emergency fund for Ukrainian students and researchers

Half a million euros for study and research - Science Minister Markus Blume calls on universities to suspend cooperation with Russia,

Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

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Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

BayFOR Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency