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On this page you can find the latest news on the subject of research and innovation.


WKS Bayern-Afrika: Stakeholder map makes networks and cooperations of Bavarian and African R&I-institutions visible

The Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa (WKS Bayern-Afrika) of the Bavarian Research Alliance has published a visual overview of networks and cooperations of Bavarian and African institutions in science, research and innovation with a stakeholder map.


Horizon Europe: Draft Work Programmes 2023-2024 published

Ahead of the adoption of the official Horizon Europe work programmes 2023-2024, first drafts have now been published - excluding Cluster 3 and EIC. Researchers across Europe can use them to get a first overview of which R&I projects are eligible for funding in the next two years.


Commissioner Gabriel: European innovation agenda for the next generation of innovators

European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, presented the European Innovation Sounding Board in Munich. The Sounding Board is one of the core initiatives of the European Innovation Agenda adopted in July. According to Gabriel, the aim is to provide a forum in which the implementation of the strategy is regularly reviewed with stakeholders. Therefore, he said, continuous exchange is important. A special focus of the strategy is on deep tech innovations.


LIFE programme: Around €380 million for Green Deal projects

A few days after the COP27 climate conference and two weeks before the start of the COP15 biodiversity conference, the Commission is granting further funding for its European Green Deal priorities. It has approved more than €380 million for 168 new projects across Europe under the LIFE programme for environment and climate policy. This represents an increase in funding of a good quarter (27 percent) compared to last year. They are expected to mobilise more than 562 million euros in investments.


Lump-sum funding in Horizon Europe as of 2023

In contrast to conventional project funding, the lump-sum approach provides for lump-sum funding with a predefined funding amount. In Horizon Europe, calls for funding with this type of funding are to be increasingly advertised in the 2023/24 work programme. It is therefore advisable for applicants to consider this at an early stage. The EU Commission has now published a guide to help applicants and beneficiaries submit their lump sum proposals and manage their lump sum grants. The guide "How to manage your lump sum grants" can be found here.


Upcoming Horizon Europe Info Days and Brokerage Events for the 2023/24 Work Programme

With the publication of the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023/24 and the corresponding calls for proposals, the European Commission is organising several info days and brokerage events where applicants can get information and find suitable project partners. Here you can find an overview of these events.


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How satisfied are you with your cooperation with BayFOR? Take part in our customer satisfaction survey! The online portal is open until 11 November 2022!


European Commission: Activity report 2021 in the area of RTD and on Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020

The European Commission  has recently published the „Annual Report on Research and Technological Development Activities of the European Union and Monitoring of Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 in 2021“.


Ten simple rules for a successful Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF) application

Today PLOS Computational Biology published the editorial article "Ten simple rules for a successful EU Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral (MSCA) fellowship application". The team of authors is comprised of former MSCA postdoctoral fellows and reviewers who have been evaluating MSCA applications for several years. BayFOR has also contributed here.


Expert knowledge: Lump sums in Horizon Europe

The financing of projects funded under the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation was still mainly based on the reimbursement of actual costs in Horizon 2020. However, due to the high time and effort involved and the susceptibility to errors, the European Commission is aiming for greater use of lump sums under Horizon Europe.

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