SME-relevant events

Number of Entries: 285


EEN Brokerage Event: Inn4Mech 2021

15 Jul 2021 Online

Organiser: Trentino Sviluppo, Italy
Sector: Mobility, mechatronics
Description: This year this event will focus on Off-Highway Machine R-evolution, intended as Off-Highway machines and systems, subsystems, components that optimize the machine functionality, usability, circularity of life cycle, environmental sustainability, safety, etc.. The Conference will bring together engineers, researchers, operations managers of SMEs and large companies in the field.



EEN Matchmaking Event: Qatar Matchmaking & Exhibition 2021

13 Jul – 15 Jul 2021 Online
Qatar Matchmaking

Organiser: Qatar Development Bank, Qatar
Sector: Construction, Materials, Chemicals, Food, ICT, Health
Description: The event is set to gather renowned enterprises, distributors, and local businesses to explore and develop future partnerships with international companies. The Matchmaking & Exhibition event will focus on raising awareness of the manufacturing capabilities in Qatar, in addition to opening new horizons for international companies to partner with leading manufacturers in Qatar.



EEN Brokerage Event: NANOTEXNOLOGY 2021

07 July 2021 Online

Organiser: Idryma Technologias Kai Erevnas, Greece
Sector: Nanotechnology
Description: Following a pre-arranged schedule of meetings, scientists and entrepreneurs, developers, engineers and practitioners, as well as companies and end-users of Nanotechnologies & Organic Electronics will be able to review recent developments, identify outstanding needs and solutions for their business.



EEN Brokerage Event: Taiwan-German-Czech Healthcare Forum

30 June 2021 Online

Organiser: Taiwan External Trade Development Council, Taiwan
Sector: Health
Description: Healthcare experts from Taiwan, Germany and Czech Republic will share their experiences and knowledge of innovative technologies that will seize the market trend.



EEN Matchmaking Event: Horizon Europe Cluster 4 - Industry

29 June 2021 Online
Brokerage Event Cluster 4

Organiser: Fundación Para El Conocimiento Madrid, Spain
Description: Start-ups, spin-offs, SMEs and larger companies are invited to this event giving the opportunity to conduct bilateral meetings with potential partners and stakeholders. The goal is to help participants form relevant consortia for Horizon Europe funding.



EEN Brokerage Event: Green Disruption Summit

17 June 2021 Mérida & Online
Green Disruption Summit

Organiser: Fundacion Fundecyt, Spain
Sector: Energy, Agriculture, Transport, Recycling
Description: The Green Disruption Summit will consist of a conference, B2B meetings, Demo zone, Elevator Pitches and awards. Start-ups can apply to be selected to pitch and chosen as the “best deep tech start-ups”.



EEN Brokerage Event: Tech4SmartCities

17 Jun 2021 Online

Organiser:, Belgium
Sector: ICT, Mobility, Energy, Circular Economy
Description: The focus of the event will be on technologies and solutions related to energy performance, urban mobility, sustainable construction, circularity, low carbon economy and digital transformation that can contribute towards the achievement of climate-neutrality objectives of cities. There will be webinars for funding opportunities and pitching sessions with potential investors.



EEN Brokerage Event: Fast-tracking electrochemical innovations & matchmaking

16 June 2021 Online
Electrochemistry in the Energy Transition

Organiser: Stichting New Energy Coalition, Netherlands
Sector: Energy, Chemical Technology
Description: The digital event “Electrochemistry in the Energy Transition” brings together business, research and umbrella originations active in the field of electrochemical engineering with a key focus on developments related to the energy transition. It provides a unique possibility to share and create new business opportunities and to establish new collaborations with international partners in the energy transition



EEN Brokerage Event: EBAN Annual Congress

16 June - 18 June 2021 Online
EBAN Annual Congress

Organiser: EBAN - European Trade Association for Business Angels, Seed Funds and Early Stage Market Players
Description: The event will focus on how business angel investors can support the EU on accelerating the innovation cycle. It will be an opportunity for business leaders, early stage investors, business angels, entrepreneurs etc. to meet. Additionally, start-ups can apply  to pitch in front of investors. 


EEN Brokerage Event: Cluster-to-Cluster Meeting & Innovat&Match

15 June – 17 June 2021 Online

Organiser: ART-ER, Italy
Description: Cluster-to-Cluster Meeting offers bilateral meetings between clusters on the first day and a wider range of participants, such as companies and universities, on the second and third day. Innovat&Match is the crucial networking spot for R2B participants where they attend bilateral meetings, present and discuss possibilities of transnational cooperation and technology transfer on cross-sector topics.


Number of Entries: 285

Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

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Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

BayFOR Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency