Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCAs)
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCAs) were initiated by the European Commission to encourage transnational and intersectoral mobility of researchers and R&D employees from the fields of technology and management. They aim to make Europe more attractive for researchers and create a vigorous pool of European researchers and R&D employees. Since 2014, the MSCAs have been part of “Horizon 2020”, the European framework programme for research and innovation.
As MSCAs, the European Union promotes networks for doctoral programmes, research stays (“Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships”), innovation incentives through employee exchange programmes and co-funding for mobility programmes. In this context, the European Union places importance on creating and maintaining partnerships at European and international level between universities, research institutions, research infrastructures, companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and other socio-economic stakeholders. Calls for proposals in research and innovation are open to applicants from all fields (in a “bottom-up” process).
The MSCAs address:
- Universities, research institutions, research infrastructures, companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and other socio-economic stakeholders
- Next-generation research talents, PhD students and experienced researchers
- R&D employees from the fields of technology and management
- Further information is available on the official website of the National Contact Point for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.
Innovative Training Networks (ITNs)
Innovative Training Networks (ITNs) are part of the MSCAs. ITNs are European networks for the education of next-generation researchers. Their aim is to provide young researchers with a platform where they can expand their knowledge at an international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral level. In this regard, the European Union specifically focuses on the networking of academic and non-academic institutions.
There are three types of ITNs with different participation conditions:
1. The European Training Networks (ETNs)
2. European Industrial Doctorates (EIDs)
3. European Joint Doctorates (EIDs)
Proposals for ITNs are handed in by an institution that acts as a coordinator. When the proposal is successful, this institution accepts applications from individual researchers for the advertised positions. If you would like to get further information and find out more about the current calls for applications, please visit the website of the National Contact Point.
Contact at BayFOR
MBA Gabriela Blumberger
Scientific Officer Information & Communication Technologies | Engineering & Natural Sciences and Project Manager
Phone: +49 89 9901888-132