EMINA Read more on the ERA-Net website.
Global Aerospace Campus
Global Aerospace Campus Aerospace is a key economic driver, and a research priority in the RLS regions. Worldwide, the field is extremely competitive. Continuous innovation is required to remain…
ClimEx ClimEx analyzes the effects of climate change on meteorological and hydrological extreme events and implications for water management in Bavaria and Québec. It comprises three major…
Small Satellites
Small Satellites Light weight, strong impact: Small satellites for telecommunication and earth observation Space technology is considerably changing. The paradigm shift in the field is comparable…
Renewable Energy Network
Renewable Energy Network Initiated in 2012 as a follow-up of the RLS meeting in São Paulo, the network is committed to promoting research in the field of renewable energies. The geographical scope…
RHAPSODY RHAPSODY is funded by the EU Joint Programme Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND). Goals are to evaluate the policy and information framework for the treatment and care of people with…
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Bavaria-Africa News
Bavaria-Israel Symposium
22.10.2018 Bavaria-Israel Symposium in Tel Aviv In partnership with the office in Tel Aviv, in October 2018, WKS Bavaria-Israel held the first Bavaria-Israel Symposium on issues around…
INDEED Improved dementia care in the Danube Basin INDEED ("Innovation for Dementia in the Danube Region") is a three-year (2018-2021) follow-up project to DANDEC ("DAnubian Network…