- Programme: Horizon 2020, Call: H2020-SEC-2016-2017-2
- Funding amount: EUR 3 million, of which EUR 626,000 for Bavaria
- Funding period: 04/2018- 05/2021
- Coordinator: Dr. Holger Nitsch, Bavarian University for Public Administration and Legal Affairs, Munich
- Project ID: 786894
- Website: www.prophets-h2020.eu
Working together to fight criminality and radicalisation online
Nowadays, the boundaries between terrorism, organised crime and online criminality are increasingly blurred. Islamists and both left- and right-wing extremist groups use cyberspace as a hub for illegal finance and to recruit and radicalise followers. To combat this, the EU project PROPHETS has set itself the task of developing ways to prevent and contain online criminality and assist law enforcement investigations in cyberspace. The PROPHETS consortium is pursuing four strategic goals. First, researchers make intensive efforts to analyse and synthesise behavioural radicalisation processes. To enable these processes to be investigated, they develop their own new analytical tools which they want to make available as an open source solution. Ultimately, this should lead to the creation of a new strategic plan, underpinned by examples of best practice, and training activities for investigators. In addition to this, one of the project's most important tasks is to proactively raise awareness among the general public about the risks posed by the internet. PROPHETS is the first collaborative research project on civil EU security coordinated at a German University of Applied Sciences. The Munich Police Department is one of the 15 partners in the project.
• Application support
• Grant preparation support
Dr. Holger Nitsch
Bavarian University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Legal Affairs, Munich
PROPHETS project partner
Phone: +49 (0)8141 408-208
E-Mail: holger.nitsch@no-spam-pleasepol.hfoed.bayern.de