EIT RawMaterials

- Programme: Horizon 2020, EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community
- Funding amount: €400 million, of which €150,000 for Bavaria
- Period: 07/2015-06/2022
- Coordinator: EIT RawMaterials GmbH, Berlin
- Website: www.eitrawmaterials.eu
Pooling European cutting-edge research relating to raw materials
Since 2015, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) has invested €400 million in developing a Europe-wide Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) over a seven-year period to pool innovation-oriented, cutting-edge research on the subject of raw material supply and security.
The associated call for proposals was won by the “RawMatTERS” consortium involving more than 120 universities, research centres and companies from 20 European countries. Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm belongs to the KIC, which now goes by the name of “EIT RawMaterials”, as an associate partner and is thus the only Bavarian university taking part in Europe’s largest and most prestigious research network for raw materials. The task of EIT RawMaterials is to develop new processes and products for the sustainable exploration, extraction, processing, recycling and substitution of raw materials, involving actors along the entire value chain. Through ground-breaking innovations and the funding of business start-ups, as well as the training of new staff, the aim is to make the European raw materials sector fit for the future. This means ensuring reliable supplies of raw materials for Europe, competitive industries and, not least, new jobs. TH Nürnberg performs tasks in the fields of teaching, research and development, the latter in partnership with the Fraunhofer Research Group “Particle Technology, Raw Material Innovation and Resource Efficiency” and the Institute for Chemistry, Materials and Product Development (OHM-CMP). TH Nürnberg is now involved in four ongoing projects within EIT RawMaterials.
- Support for the application
- Continuous consultation during the term of the project
Comment on BayFOR’s contribution

“Participation in EIT RawMaterials is not just technically important for TH Nürnberg, it is also hugely prestigious. To help us get there, we received valuable support from BayFOR. They advised us on making our application, both in terms of the content and format of the application and also strategically – for example regarding regional networking with clusters. Even now the project is running, they are still on hand to advise us.”
Dr. Jens Helbig
Managing Director at the Institute for Chemistry, Materials and Product Development
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
EIT RawMaterials Project partner
Contact at BayFOR

Dr. rer. nat. Panteleïmon Panagiotou
Head of Unit Information & Communication Technologies |
Engineering & Natural Sciences
Phone: +49 89 9901888-130
Email: panagiotou@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org