- Programme: Horizon 2020, Mobility for Growth (SC4)
- Funding amount: €17.8 million, of which €4.1 million for Bavaria
- Period: 09/2016-08/2020
- Coordinator: City of Madrid (Spain)
- Website: www.civitas.eu/eccentric
Mobility project focusing on suburban districts
Like city centres, suburban districts increasingly suffer from problems such as huge influxes of population and rising traffic volumes. Along with four other cities (Madrid, Ruse, Stockholm, Turku) as well as numerous other partners, the city of Munich was successful in its application for an EU project to tackle these challenges.
In the next four years, innovative solutions in the areas of urban mobility and goods transport will be developed and implemented as part of the EU project CIVITAS ECCENTRIC (Innovative solutions for sustainable mobility of people in suburban city districts and emission free freight logistics in urban centres). Each of the five cities is operating a “living lab”, thus working in a real environment. In Munich, the geographical focus is on the fast-growing Munich North area in general and the Domagk Park – Parkstadt Schwabing district in particular. Covering an area of just 79 km2, Munich North is home to nearly 250,000 residents with a sharply rising trend. Since September 2016, measures involving car-sharing, bike sharing, electric mobility, multimodal transport, mobility management, city logistics, and traffic safety and their integration into urban and transport planning have been tested and evaluated. The public’s role is crucial. On the one hand, their input is called for, while on the other hand they need to change their way of thinking: getting away from their own cars and making greater use of alternative forms of mobility. Through intensive accompanying research and sharing of experience between the cities, the end-result of the project will be a comprehensive catalogue of measures which should serve as a model for other European cities.
- Advice and support for outline and final application – contents and budget
- Intensive support during grant preparation
- Cooperation with TUM ForTe
Comment on BayFOR’s contribution:

“With CIVITAS ECCENTRIC, we were able to attract EU development funding of around €4 million to Munich, which will directly benefit the public. BayFOR helped make it possible. They supported our project from the word go and provided substantive feedback on many points. We were also able to take advantage of their expertise when concluding the contract with the European Commission. This support is very much appreciated.”
Torsten Belter
City of Munich
ECCENTRIC Project Manager
Phone: +49 (0)89 233-39964
E-mail: torsten.belter@no-spam-pleasemuenchen.de