Preserving and Advancing Alpine Building Culture

The alpine region is home to unique natural and cultural treasures, which have evolved over the centuries through adaption to local and climatic conditions and regional expertise. The aim of the European funded AlpBC project is to preserve and advance the legacy of the diverse alpine building culture.

With the aid of state-of-the-art methods and regional expertise, scientists from 5 alpine countries are working on measures to further preserve the characteristics of regional buildings as well as adapt and further develop these elements to suit new requirements.
AlpBC attaches particular importance to an efficient regional development planning, which combines five planning levels (communal, intercommunal, regional, national and transnational). One important aim of the project also includes placing emphasis on current challenges such as energy turnaround, climate change and demographic aspects. The idea behind the project should, moreover, be brought to the appropriate participants thanks to large-scale networking in order to raise awareness with regard to the alpine building culture, to establish a basic knowledge on this topic and thus gain stakeholders from the local economy for the project.

AlpBC has been able to utilize the numerous results from its successful predecessor, the AlpHouse project (09/2009 – 08/2012,

Consequently, the project makes a significant contribution to preserving and increasing the attractiveness of the alpine region for living and recreation.

Project Overview

Project aims and fields of work

The following strategies and initiatives have been worked out in AlpBC for advancing the alpine building culture in the context of regional development and ecological sustainability:

  • Investments in natural and cultural assets as a source of economic growth: Promotion of SMEs and networks, ecological innovations, 'green learning'
  • Educational programs and networking between local companies and existing networks, for sustainably securing the future of the location and a higher added value for enterprises which combine competence for building and energy issues
  • Formation of networks and regional centres for knowledge and technology transfer (decision-makers & administration)
  • Creation of intercommunal planning concepts
  • Cross-community, efficient cooperation in public-private partnership

Target group

The project results are aimed at the following participants:

  • (Political) decision-makers
  • Participants in regional planning (architects/planners) and medium-sized companies from the crafts and trade sector (builders, engineering companies, institutions of the construction industry)
  • Interested members of the general public

BayFOR as Partner

BayFOR already supported the consortium during the application phase, assisting both with communication within the consortium and with preparing the application documents. As subcontractor, BayFOR is involved in the project management for the entire duration of the project.

Funding period

The project is funded by the European Union as part of the Alpine Space Programme with EUR 2.89 million, and it runs over a period of 34 months (09/2012 – 06/2015).
The total funding includes a national co-financing amounting to € 806,063.


The AlpBC consortium encompasses 5 alpine countries - Germany, Austria, Italy, France and Slovenia.

There are currently 12 partners involved under the guidance of the Chamber of Crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria which are working on sustainable and progressive building concepts in the alpine region while taking into account the preservation of the alpine landscape.

Coordinator of this project:
Chamber of Crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria

Leibniz University Hannover, Chair for Regional Building and Urban Planning
Research Studios Austria – Studio iSPACE
Energy Institute Vorarlberg
State Builder Guide, Salzburg
Soca Valley Development Centre
Regional Agency for Services to Agriculture and Forestry
Finaosta S.p.A.
Veneto Region – Urban and Landscape Planning Department
Piemonte Region – Department for strategic programming, spatial planning and housing
TIS Techno Innovation South Tyrol

Further Information

Official AlpBC Website:

AlpBC flyer

Predecessor project AlpHouse:

Alpine Space Programme:


Maximilian Stadler

Maximilian Stadler
Chamber of Crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria
AlpBC Coordination
80333 Munich
Phone: +49 (0)861/ 9897724

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