With BayFOR support all the way to EU funding: Innovation Fund aims to provide 91 million euros in funding for cleantech projects in Bavaria

Three BayFOR units - Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy, ICT, Natural & Engineering Sciences and SME advisory services - contributed their expertise to make these applications a success. Both technologies promise progress in the transition to sustainable energy and mobility solutions.
Two Bavarian pioneers in biogas and mobility
1. Munich-based cleantech start-up Reverion GmbH, a spin-off of the Technical University of Munich, aims to launch a biogas power plant that works more efficiently than existing ones and can be switched to energy storage when needed. The technology, which will receive €19.5 million in funding, is targeted at agricultural and industrial applications.
2. Another Bavarian company has developed an energy-efficient steering system for heavy commercial vehicles, accelerating the introduction of e-mobility and autonomous driving. The European Commission is providing €71.5 million to support the investments in production preparation.
The projects are exemplary for Europe's path to a successful and clean future - and Bavaria plays an important role in this, also thanks to BayFOR. We congratulate both companies on this great success!
EU Innovation Fund: Supporting pioneers for a climate-neutral future
The European Innovation Fund is a climate policy instrument - one of the largest of its kind in the world. Its aim is to decarbonise the European industry and pave the way to climate neutrality, while maintaining competitiveness. What makes it unique is that it supports demonstration projects and their first industrial application, thereby supporting product development and investment costs.
As part of Europe's commitment to the Paris Agreement and the Green Deal, it brings together technology, clean energy and industry, and also supports projects focusing on future technologies such as hydrogen, renewable energy and emissions avoidance.
Promoting clean energy and clean industry
The fund is aimed at businesses that want to invest in clean energy and industry, thereby boosting economic growth and creating sustainable jobs. In addition to innovative low-carbon industrial processes, the fund also supports carbon capture and storage, new mobility concepts and construction projects. Funding comes from the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), the world's largest carbon pricing scheme.
The Innovation Fund focuses on real innovation and clear results. Only projects that are mature in terms of planning, business model and structure will be considered. In addition to grants through calls for proposals, it also offers project development support and advisory services. This makes the fund an important lever for securing Europe's technological leadership and setting a good example on the global stage.
Innovation Fund Call 2024
The current Innovation Fund Call 2024 offers several calls for proposals, which differ according to the type and size of the projects. Here are the main categories:
1. General decarbonisation
These calls are aimed at projects that reduce CO₂ emissions in industry, for example through renewable energy, CO₂ storage or innovative production processes. They are divided into
- Large Scale Projects (LSP): For large projects with investments of more than €100 million
- Medium-Scale Projects (MSP): Investments between €20 million and €100 million
- Small-Scale Projects (SSP): Small projects with investments between €2.5 million and €20 million.
3. Clean-tech manufacturing
Promotes the construction and operation of production facilities for key technologies such as
- wind turbines, solar panels, heat pumps
- electrolysers and fuel cells
- energy storage solutions (batteries, etc.)
3. Pilot projects
Supports breakthrough, disruptive technologies that need to be tested and optimised before they can be brought to market. The aim is to bring highly innovative low-carbon solutions to the market. Total budget: €2.4 billion.
Proposals for the Innovation Fund Calls 2024 can be submitted until 24 April 2025.
The call for proposals for the Innovation Fund 2025 is expected to be published in December 2025.
The European Commission usually publishes these calls in December each year. For example, the current Innovation Fund Call 2024 was opened on 3 December 2024, so a similar timetable can be expected for the Innovation Fund Call 2025:
Publication of the call for proposals: December 2025
Submission deadline: Spring 2026
Please note that these dates are indicative and subject to change. It is advisable to regularly check the official websites of the European Commission and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) for up-to-date information.