Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) publishes updated organisation chart

[Translate to Englisch:] DG Research and Innovation

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) has published its updated organisation chart, which includes some restructuring of units. The former Directorate F for International Cooperation has been dissolved and its units restructured.

These units, which focus on Europe and the Americas (Unit 03, formerly F1) and Asia, the Pacific, Africa and the Middle East (Unit 04, formerly F2), now report directly to Deputy Director-General Signe Ratso, who is responsible for Innovation, Prosperity and International Cooperation. Their mandate has been extended to include association agendas. DDG Ratso has already been Deputy Director-General for International Cooperation since Christina Russo took over as head of Directorate E for Prosperity in May.

The former Directorate I for Internal Support Services and Communication has been renamed Directorate F and now has the same responsibilities.
The original structure and units have been retained.

There have also been changes in the management of some units:

B1 - Green Transitions, HoU Astrid Ladefoged
D1 - Disease Control, HoU Kasia Jurczak
F2 - Finance, Procurement & Compliance, HoU Nathalie Stefamowicz
03 - Europe & Americas, HoU Rita Zarnauskaite (formerly HoU & HoU of the now defunct Unit 03 for Horizon Europe Associations)

The updated organisation chart can be found here.

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