ERC Work Programme 2025 adopted
More than 2.7 billion euro will be available for research grants in the coming year. This includes contributions from the countries associated to Horizon Europe. In addition, EU countries can allocate resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to help the ERC fund proposals rated as excellent, but which cannot be funded due to budget constraints. These grants must however remain hosted at an institution in the country which contributes their ERDF funds.
Indicative summary of calls from the 2025 budget
The work programme also introduces new grounds for the extension of the eligibility periods for Starting Grants and Consolidator Grants. Extensions will be granted in duly documented cases, where the applicant has been prevented from working or their working hours have been reduced due to a disability or a major natural or man-made disaster.
Other planned actions for 2025 include supporting national contact points (NCPs) in sharing best practices, continuing to evaluate and monitor the impact of ERC funding, as well as communicating the ERC’s activities to a broader audience, and promoting open science.
Further informationen can be found here.
Source: ERC