UAS4EUROPE: "Vereniging Hogescholen" takes over chairmanship
UAS4EUROPE is looking forward to the next two years of strengthening the voice of UASs in Europe with the Dutch Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (Vereniging Hogescholen) and the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (Arene) at the helm of the network.
At the same time, this marks the end of a very successful year for the presidency of Dr Luciana Vaccaro and Swissuniversities.
Research and innovation at universities of applied sciences
UAS4EUROPE represents more than two million students and 60,000 researchers at over 450 universities of applied sciences across Europe. "UAS4EUROPE is very committed to ensuring that UASs are noticed and recognised for their practice-oriented research and innovation," explains Marjolijn Brussaard, Chair of the Board of ArtEZ University of the Arts. "We are the voice of UAS in Europe, claiming our place alongside traditional universities and helping to find solutions to society's challenges."
Two women at the top
Together with Heidi Fagerholm, Rector and CEO of Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Marjolijn Brussaard will lead the network for the next two years, focusing particularly on steering the European Research Area (ERA) and implementing the upcoming innovation agenda. "It is exceptional that Heidi Fagerholm and I, two women, will lead the board of UAS4EUROPE," Brussaard says.
The official press release can be found here.