European Commission opens online consultation for Green Deal Call

European Commission opens online consultation for Green Deal Call

Until 3 June 2020 the European Commission gives you the opportunity to help shaping the Green Deal Call which is due to be opened mid-September 2020.

Take part in the surveys for each area:

Call area 1: Increasing climate ambition: cross-sectoral challenges
Call area 2: Clean, affordable and secure energy
Call area 3: Industry for a clean and circular economy
Call area 4: Energy and resource-efficient buildings
Call area 5: Sustainable and smart mobility
Call area 6: Farm to Fork
Call area 7: Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services
Call area 8: Zero-pollution, toxic-free environment
Call area 9: Strengthening our knowledge in support of the European Green Deal
Call area 10: Empowering citizens for transition towards a climate neutral, sustainable Europe
Call area 11: Accelerating the clean energy transition and access in partnership with Africa

Fighting climate change and making Europe climate-neutral by 2050 is one of the main priorities of the European Commission.

In support of this priority, the Commission is reinforcing Green Deal-related research and innovation with this dedicated call for proposals under the current research and innovation programme – Horizon 2020.
Additional research and innovation initiatives will be funded under the next EU research and innovation programme – Horizon Europe.

Find out more about the Green Deal call here.

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