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On this page you can find the latest news on the subject of research and innovation.

Number of Entries: 277


EU Commission suspends cooperation with Russia on research and innovation

Following the Russian invasion against Ukraine and in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, the Commission has decided to suspend the cooperation with Russian entities in research, science and innovation.


Clean Hydrogen Partnership: Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and first call for proposals

The new Clean Hydrogen Partnership has recently published its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the period 2021-2027 and its 2022 work programme with the first calls for proposals.


Funding & Tenders Portal: Two new functionalities

The European Commission has announced two new services in the Funding & Tenders Portal. They are intended to support applicants in their search for partners and in project applications with cascade funding.


EIC Work Programme 2022: Support for innovative SMEs

On 9 February 2022, the European Innovation Council (EIC) published its new work programme for 2022. It offers support to highly innovative SMEs and start-ups across the entire innovation chain, from basic research to commercialisation of the product and scaling of the business model. The main focus is on identifying breakthrough technologies that have the potential to disrupt existing markets and become international market leaders.


Artificial intelligence in health research: Around one million euros for three Bavarian-Canadian collaborative projects

On 10 February 2022, Bavaria's Minister of Science Bernd Sibler and Québec Chief Scientist Professor Rémi Quirion announced the results of a joint call for proposals on artificial intelligence in medicine. On the Bavarian side, scientists from the University Hospital Erlangen, the LMU Klinikum München and the Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technische Universität München are involved in the three bilateral collaborative projects, which will be funded with a total of around one million euros over a period of three years.


European Commission: Creation of a new Joint Undertaking Chip (Semiconductor Technology)

On 8 February 2022, the European Commission proposed a set of measures (European Chips Act) to strengthen research, development and manufacturing capacities in the European semiconductor ecosystem. This includes a "Chips for Europe" initiative, which will account for a large part of the funding (approx. 11 billion euros in public funds by 2030) allocated to the Chips Act and whose implementation will be carried out in the context of Horizon Europe as well as the Digital Europe programme.


Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) - first call for proposals for lighthouse projects in the field of quantum technology is open.

The Munich Quantum Valley initiative aims to establish quantum computing and quantum technologies in Bavaria, making it the only network of its kind in Europe. So far, more than 40 scientific institutions, research institutes and companies have joined forces under the MQV umbrella. Now the first call for lighthouse projects has been opened.


European Commission presents Strategy for Universities

The European Commission presented a Strategy for Universities on 18 January 2022. The strategy paper completes the reforms in the European research and education areas launched in 2020 and aims to intensify cooperation between European universities in order to pool strengths and foster Europe as a science location.



New European Bauhaus: Application phase for the 2022 awards has started!

The "New European Bauhaus" initiative was launched by the European Commission in 2021 and is considered an ambitious ecological, economic but also cultural project for the future of the EU. After the successful first edition in 2021, young talents under 30 years of age can now apply for the prizes within the initiative this year as well.


Commission increases budget for cultural and creative sectors by almost 100 million in 2022

With a budget of around EUR 385 million — almost EUR 100 million more than in 2021 — the Creative Europe programme is stepping up its support for the creative and cultural sectors, taking into account the challenges posed by the pandemic and increasing global competition. On january 13, 2022 the European Commission has also adopted the Creative Europe Work Programme 2022 and calls for proposals will follow.

Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

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