Scholarship Program for Bavarian and Israeli Early Career Researchers from the field of Artificial Intelligence, Social Science and Humanities

For early career researchers of fields as sociology, law, history, the arts, cultural studies, philosophy, political sciences and others, thinking about the uses and challenges of AI is an urgent and exciting task. For this reason, interdisciplinary and international cooperation in this area is of particular relevance for the further development of this research field.
To strengthen the research ties between young academics from Bavaria and Israel in the field of artificial intelligence, social science and humanities, the Bavarian Ministry of Science and the Arts set up a funding program for early career researchers from Bavaria and Israel, which supports a one-month stay abroad at a Bavarian or Israeli research institute. The program aims to open up new opportunities for participants to further develop their academic careers and strengthen their international networks and at the same time to strengthen Bavarian-Israeli scientific relations.
Who can apply?
The program invites early career researchers (PhD students and higher) from Bavaria and Israel who work in the field(s) of artificial intelligence, social science and/or humanities and want to complete a one-month stay abroad at a Bavarian/Israeli research institute.
Are you uncertain if you are eligible for this program? Please contact the Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Israel.
Why to apply?
The scholarship program is designed to support participants to extend their academic network, to meet international partners for joint ideas and to work on their own projects (e. g. paper, thesis …).
How to apply?
Applicants are asked to submit a (1) CV and a (2) letter of motivation of the planned stay-abroad (max. 2 pages) to the Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Israel (please find contact details below) until March 1, 2023. The letter of motivation should include
(a) the field of expertise
(b) intended time of travel in 2023
(c) planned activities (meeting with cooperation partners, conferences, networking events and others)
(d) a contact person at the research institute that the applicant wants to visit.
The scholarship will be paid as a lump sum of 2.000 € for flight, accommodation and living expenses for one month abroad.
Opening Date: January 10, 2023
Submission Deadline: March 1, 2023
Applicants will be informed of the results of the evaluation process by March 15, 2023.
Please submit your proposal by email to
Contact at BayFOR:

Dr. Anna Abelmann-Brockmann
Scientific Coordinator
Scientiffic Coordination Office Bavaria-Israel
Phone: +49 89 9901888-166
E-Mail: abelmann@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org