The association
Burning to Save Resources
The Bavarian Research Association Turbulent Combustion (FORTVER) is creating the basis on which valuable fossil fuel resources can be utilised optimally and thereby conserved for a longer period. In technical applications such as burners, engines and turbines, fuel-air mixtures are formed and burnt in conditions of turbulent flow. The key to perfect combustion consists in measuring and understanding these apparently random processes and simulating them with the aid of computers.
For this purpose, FORTVER is developing modern optical, laser-assisted measuring techniques. These must be precise and fast enough to record the turbulent fluctuations that occur during formation and combustion of the mixture. The different phases are analysed: formation of an ignitable mixture, subsequent combustion and the formation of pollutants. At the same time, the structure, propagation and local extinction of flames also play important roles.
In a second project area models are developed to describe turbulent mixing and combustion processes for a more accurate prediction by computer simulation. In particular, the modern numerical process of Large-Eddy-simulation (LES) is being further developed in the Research Association. Intensive collaboration and using Germany s most powerful computer, located in Munich, are essential to the success of the project. The experimentally acquired data base is used for checking simulation results, while conversely the numerical forecasts can be used to identify particularly interesting test conditions.
General Management
Head of Research Division
- Messtechnikenentwicklung und experimentelle Untersuchungen
Modelling and Numerical Simulation
- B1 Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent mixing at low Mach numbers
- B2 Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Mixture Formation with Liquid Fuel Injection
- B3 Simulation of pressure influence and extinction processes of inhomogenously mixed premixed turbulent flames.
- B4 Modeling of inhomogeneously premixed turbulent flames with large eddy
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Brüggemann
Universität Bayreuth
Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik und Transportprozesse
Universitätstr. 30
954440 Bayreuth
Telefon: +49-921-55 71 60
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