IT Security in Everyday Digital Life

The association
The unique characteristic of the Bavarian research association "ForDaySec" (or "IT Security in Everyday Digital Life ") is targeted, interdisciplinary research about innovative technical procedures for the cyber security in private households, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and public administration. In addition to solutions to increase security for hardware and software, ForDaySec is also investigating special security concepts that should be easy to use without specialist knowledge and at the same time take into account technical data protection. Research also includes legal work on update obligations and sociological studies on the use of technology in everyday use.
The digitalisation of everyday life is one of the key challenges facing our society. Interconnected systems penetrate all areas of our society – this is true for private households (such as vacuum-cleaning robots or digital heating control systems) as well as the production of medium-sized companies, businesses in the trades, housing associations or municipally operated critical infrastructures (such as health care or water supply). Everywhere, the same observations can be made: components without security functions are used without deeper reflection, previously independent systems are networked without precautions, and both knowledge and personnel resources are lacking in many areas for the active management of cyber security.
Moreover, existing digital infrastructures often cannot fundamentally be redesigned or modified to secure them. Security solutions must be designed and integrated into the existing systems and components. Following the principle of "security by default", there is also the need to make security and data protection technologies easy to administer and implement without in-depth specialist knowledge. However, the challenges here are not only technical, but also involve organisational, procedural and personnel hurdles. Interdisciplinary research that systematically integrates the challenges of everyday application and practices from the outset is therefore absolutely necessary. Our association takes this complex situation into account and uses it as the starting point of its research.
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Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in
Scientific partner
- Universität Passau
- Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Technische Universität München
- Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Lehrstuhl für Programmiersprachen und Künstliche Intelligenz