mobile, ad-hoc cooperating roboter teams

The association
The association "FORobotics - mobile, ad-hoc cooperating roboter teams" wants to unite the skills of different roboters in roboter teams to increase productivity. For reaching this goal, the association works on innovative, technical solutions and methods to integrate cooperating roboter teams, consisting of different roboter systems and humans, into the production process.
FORobotics is divided into 6 projects, which play together as it is visualized in the following document.
General coordinator
Project leader
Scientific partner
- Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
- RWTH Aachen
- Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
- Technical University Munich
- University Bayreuth
- University Augsburg
- University of the German Armed Forces Munich
Julia Berg about FORobotics at TechCheck 2019
FORobotics was presented at the TechCheck 2019 on 23rd of october in 2019 by Julia Berg.
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FORobotics use case: Assembling motor blocks
The first FORobotics use case was tested at the Testbed in the Martini Park in Augsburg.
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Human-Robot-Interaction. How do robot and human communicate with each other?
Within the subproject 4 „Interaction“ different possibilities of “how interaction between robot and worker can be realized in a production environment” were tested.
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Application of the mobile FORobotics roboter platform
The mobile FORobotics roboter platform was integrated into the commissioning process at the project site of our project partner Hefter.
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The FORobotics-Testbed is ready
For demonstrating the results of the project in an industrial sourrounding, a FORobotics-Testbed is now installed at the Technologiezentrum in Augsburg.
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FORobotics at the congress of the bavarian council of future
FORoboics on the 18th of July at the congress of the bavarian council of future at the ICM in Munich.
2nd evaltuation of the research project
On February 21st 2019, the second evaluation of our research project ‘FORobotics’ took place.
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Mobile Robot Platform ready
Finally, the integration of the Yaskawa Robot HC10 into the Grenzebach platform was finished.
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1st evaluation of the research project
On February 6th, the first evaluation of the research procejt took place. Evaluators from research and industry and representatives of the bavarian research foundation evaluated the former work within the project.
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Workshop: safety for mobile robotics in production
Next to the constant teamwork of our project partners, there are additional workshops working on different topics.
Guiding Robots to Predefined Goal Positions with Multi-Modal Feedback
Riedl, M., Henrich, D..
In: Proceedings of the 50th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2018). Munich, 2018
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Systematic Analysis of Global and Local Planners for Optimal Trajectory Planning
Pittner, M. Hiller, F. Particke, L. Patino-Studencki and J. Thielecke
ISR 2018; 50th International Symposium on Robotics, Munich, Germany, 2018
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Towards a Companion System Incorporating Human Planning Behavior – A Qualitative Analysis of Human Strategies
Leichtmann, B., Bercher, P., Höller, D., Behnke, G., Biundo, S., Nitsch, V., & Baumann, M.
Dritte Transdisziplinäre Konferenz “Technische Unterstützungssysteme, die die Menschen wirklich wollen."
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Towards a Real-Time Environment Reconstruction for VR-Based Teleoperation Through Model Segmentation
Kohn S., Blank A., Puljiz D., Zenkel L., Bieber O., Hein B., Franke J.
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, 01.10.2018 – 05.10.2018
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FORobotics: Mehr erreichen im Team.
Zäh, M., Rinck, P., Blank, A., Schnös, F..
Handling (2017)
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Help me make a dinner! Challenges when assisting humans in action planning
Behnke, B. Leichtmann, P. Bercher, D. Höller, V. Nitsch, M. Baumann, S..
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Companion Technology (ICCT 2017), Ulm, 2017
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Incorporating building information to globalize and robustify grid-based indoor SLAM
Hiller, M., Particke, F., Patino-Studencki, L., & Thielecke, J..
Proceedings of the Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 2017 17th International Conference on, Jeju 2017. 1872-1877
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Sensor-Based Loops and Branches for Playback-Programmed Robot Systems
Riedl M., Orendt E.M., Henrich D.
In: Ferraresi C., Quaglia G. (eds) Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics. RAAD 2017. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 49. Springer, Cham, 2017
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Efficient Localization Using Radio-Based Sensors and Odometry
Kharboutli, A. A., Hiller, M., Particke, F., Nowak, T., Hartmann, M., Thielecke, J.
Proceedings of the 2019 Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), Naples, Italy, 2019
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Dynamic production control for flexibility in Cyber-Physical Production Systems using an autonomous transport system
Krä, M., Hörbrand, S., Schilp, J.
Procedia CIRP 81, 1160–1165, 2019.
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6DoF Pose-Estimation Pipeline for Texture-less Industrial Components in Bin Picking Applications
Blank, A., Hiller, M., Zhang, S., Leser, A., Metzner, M., Lieret, M., Thielecke, J., Franke, J.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/RAS 9th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Prague, Czechia, 04.09.2019 – 06.09.2019
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World Modeling for Mobile Platforms Using a Contextual Object-Based Representation of the Environment
Hiller, M., Particke, F., Hofmann, C., Bey, H., Thielecke, J.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 8th Annual International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER), Tianjin, China, 2018
FORobotics am Technologietag im Innovationspark Augsburg
Am 21. November 2019 ab 13:30 Uhr laden Kawasaki Robotics sowie Cambrian Intelligence Ltd. ins Technologiezentrum Augsburg ein.
Teil des abwechslungsreichen Programms rund um das Thema Robotik sind Experten und Entscheider aus dem Mittelstand. Julia Berg gibt Einblicke in Trends in der Robotik und wird auch das Projekt FORobotics näher vorstellen.
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FORobotics at TechCheck 2019
At the TechCheck 2019 event organized by the Bavarian Industry Association, the project FORobotics and the mobile roboter Plattform will be presented at the 23d of october in the Innovation park in Augsburg.
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FORobotics convention - mobile robotics
On the 4th of July there was the first FORobotics convention - mobile robotics at the IHK Schwaben in Augsburg.
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Meeting at the Fraunhofer IIS
On the 20th of July there was an association meeting at the Fraunhofer ISS.
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On the 7th of February, there was the official kick-off meeting of the association at the Fraunhofer IGCV in Augsburg.
Prof. Dr.Ing. Gunther Reinhardt, Seaker FORobotics, Fraunhofer IGCV
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dominik Henrich, Speaker FORobotics, Universität Bayreuth
M. Sc. Julia Berg, General coordinator FORobotics, Fraunhofer IGCV
Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology IGCV
Am Technologiezentrum 10
86159 Augsburg
Telefon: +49 821 90678-153