mobile, ad-hoc cooperating roboter teams

Service-based Resources
Research Objectives
Individualised costumer requests, shortened product and innovation cycles and global competition are challenging the manufacturing companies. Therefore quality, productivity and flexibility are important target figures for the manufacturers and their production systems. To achieve these targets, the companies need to realise the potential of the working humans and robotics synergetically. Especially mobile robot systems that assist or take over some production steps have big potential. Humans and robots should be able to build a team and solve tasks together. In this subproject the fundamental basis for the cooperation of humans and robots is created, through standardisation, modelling and abstraction of system functions and system properties.
In this working package real production facilities are analysed with respect to the type and amount of the used resources and the interaction of those. The resources need to get evaluated on the basis of their function, their communication, their error rate. Furthermore the form of interaction of the human within the production facilities needs to be analysed and possible future forms of interaction between humans and mobile robot platforms are getting mapped.
In the second working package the resources are assigned to abstract resource categories regarding their behaviour and their abilities. These resource categories are used to define general descriptive formats for the resources. Especially the task and system relevant properties, the functions and occurrences regarding the resources need to be mapped universally. Afterwards the functions are getting implemented. The implementation has to be done in such a way that the functions are parametrizable and return an interpretable result.
In the third working package the abilities of the resources need to get described in form of services and made accessible. Every resource has to offer basic services for the integration into the team. All further services of the resources are communicated semantically. In this working package a standardised descriptive format for the services is developed, the interface for the service invocation gets defined and a balance between abilities and requirements is implemented.
In the last working package the business logic for the encapsulation of the resources and their involvement into the team is framed. This business logic encloses the abilities and the basic services of the resources and provides services of higher order for the members of the team. The resources should be able to declare themselves to the business logic and exchange data with it. The basic services of the resources are getting combined and are offered as services of higher order. For instance creating a service for the assembly of components by combining the services of a manipulator arm, a gripper and a sensor. Another function of the business logic is distributing the service requests to the available resources in a way to make an efficient and prioritised process possible. The business logic sends service requests to the resources based on the scheduling plan. At the same time the business logic has to respond to the condition of the resource as well as to its acceptance or rejection of the service request.
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Project partners:
- Technical University Munich