The association
In the new joint reserch program FOROB II scientists of Universities Bayreuth, Erlangen-Nuernberg, TU Muenchen, Regensburg and Wuerzburg, the Fraunhofer Institutes in Erlangen, Freising and Wuerzburg and the ATZ-EVUS from Sulzbach-Rosenberg united.
FOROB II partially bases on results of FOROB but is not a continuaion, however it deals with new surface technological subjects, which are of particular interest at present.
Surface technology is considered to be a very innovative field, similar to micro electronic and bio technology. In addition a special characteristic of surface technology is its strong imprint by middle-class. Based upon the sucess of FOROB the partcipation of industry could be doubled in comparison. Meanwhile 56 companies are willing to bear more than 50 % of the costs. Only 20 % of them still are large scale enterprises.
Second Spokesperson
General Management
Head of Research Division
- Dr. S. Amberg-Schwab
- Dr. H. Bader
- Dipl.-Phys. Herbert Balzer
- Dr. Miroslaw Batentschuk
- Dipl.-Ing. Elena Epelbaum
- Dipl.-Ing. Werner Fruth
- studentische Hilfskraft Nikolaus Gmeinwieser
- Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Grögler
- Prof. Dr. Dietrich Haarer
- Dipl.-Ing. Peter Hackenschmied
- Dr. Randolf Hanke
- Dr. Peter Härter
- Dipl.-Ing. T. Krumpiegl
- Klaus Lehmbacher
- T. Leistner
- M.Sc. Hui Li
- Dr. Ulrich Moosheimer
- Dr. -Ing. N. Popovska
- Dr. K. Rose
- Dr. G. Schottner
- Dipl.-Phys. Sergej Schwarz
- Dipl.-Ing. Marc Steinmann
- Dr. Michael Thoms
- cand.-phys. (Diplomand) Christian Wißpeintner
- Dipl.-Ing. V. Wunder
- Dipl.-Ing. Elmar Zeiler
- Dr. S. Zilker
I. Protective layers
- I.2 Diamond films as protective coatings for metallic components of complex geometry
- I.3 Development of ceramic coatings by pyrolysis, particularly laser pyrolysis of metal organic polymeres
- I.4 Refinement of synthetic lenses
- I.5 Fabrication of rapid prototyping tools by gradedly sprayed layers in stressed-skin construction
- I.6 Protection coatings on ceramic materials
- I.7 Subject adapted structuring of surfaces
- II. Function layers
Dr. -Ing. Stefan M. Rosiwal
Universität Erlangen
Lehrstuhl Werkstoffkunde und Technologie der Metalle (WTM)
Martensstr. 5
91058 Erlangen
Telefon: +49-9131-8527517
Email: <link>
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