I.3 Development of ceramic coatings by pyrolysis, particularly laser pyrolysis of metal organic polymeres
Obejctive target of this application is the development and characterisation of ceramic or ceramic-like layers on miscellaneous substrates, amongst other things on metals of various thermal resilience, glasses/cheap ceramics as well as temperature sensible polymeric substrates by heat treatment (pyrolysis) of suitable metal organic polymeric coatings. The pyrolysis is to be conducted by two procedures: on the one hand in an oven working in batch mode, on the other hand by laser treatment. In the former case the whole component is thermally stressed; for temperature sensible substrates this process is restricted by lacking thermal stability. Alternatively it is attempted to pyrolyse synthetic materials locally by laser upon temperature sensible materials such as aluminium, brass or plastics. Only the coated surface is to be thermally stressed and ceramised without aggrieving or altering the substrate. This approach requires an interdisciplinary nexus of the departments of materials science and manufacturing engineering. Si-O resp. Si-N containing polymers which form ceramic compounds in the system Si-C-O resp. Si-C-N during pyrolysis in inert atmosphere are used as basic materials. In doing so organic/inorganic ceramic like layers as well as fully inorganic ceramic layers can be obtained by aimed heat treatment. Particularly in regard of synthetic/ceramic composites as well as for coating of light metals or steels a completely novel method for functionalisation of surfaces can be established. The scope of application for these polymer derived layers in particular is a collective of complex tribological demands and corrosion resistance at elevated temperature as well.