BayFIA at "TechDays Munich 2024"
BayFIA at "TechDays Munich 2024"
Consultation on the roadmap for the New European Bauhaus Facility
The European Commission is currently conducting a public consultation to gather input for the roadmap for the New European Bauhaus (NEB) Facility in the period 2025-2027, as set out in the second…
Canada joins Horizon Europe as an associated country
Canada joins the growing group of non-EU countries associated with the EU's research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe, and will participate in major projects to address global challenges. On…
17th Science Day of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region in Hof
17th Science Day of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region in Hof
Hungary takes over EU Council Presidency
Hungary takes over the six-month rotating presidency of the EU from Belgium on 1 July. Prime Minister Viktor Orban will chair the summits of the EU's 27 heads of state and government, and ministers…
European University Alliances: Figfteen more German universities join the network
German universities have been successful in the current selection round of the European University Network: Fifteen German universities are participating in the fourteen new networks. Among them are…
Forschungscafé – Scientific Exchange in post pandemic times
Forschungscafé – Scientific Exchange in post pandemic times
EU Commission gives green light for new Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) "EIT Water"
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), part of Horizon Europe, the EU's research and innovation programme, is to launch a new Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) from 2026 in…
Science, Research and Innovation Performance Report 2024 published
The European Commission has released its 2024 Science, Research and Innovation Performance report. According to this report, the EU is ranked second globally (only surpassed by China) in terms of…
Martin Reichel to be new spokesman for the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency (BayFIA) from July 2024
Martin Reichel, Managing Director of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR), will take over as Spokesman of the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency (BayFIA) on 1 July 2024. He succeeds Dr…