TP 3 Optical wavefront sensor
Field of work:
MikrosystemtechnikThe subproject Development of a measurement technique with a large dynamic range for the testing of the quality of optical aspheres and for the in-situ measurement of wavefronts (short title: Optical wavefront sensor) explores the limitations of a measurement device for the measurement of optical aspheres and general wavefronts. It is based on a Shack-Hartmann sensor and the aim of the project is also to overcome some of the present limitations especially concerning dynamic range, accuracy and speed of the measurement. The sensor itself, which consists of a microlens array, a CCD camera plus frame grabber and a computer, is a very interesting application of a micro system for the measurement of macroscopic elements. The project leading is managed by Prof. Schwider and Dr. Lindlein, Lehrstuhl für Optik, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.