I.5 Basic Investigation into Image Quality and Dose for CT
Field of work:
I. Medizinische BildgebungAlthough CT has reached a high standard of quality , there still remain possibilities for optimization, for example in the dir-ection of dose minimization or increasing detector efficiency. In addition there are some problem areas, as for example metal artifacts, which are of high relevance for modern applications such as computer assisted surgery. Project I.5 is dedicated to the basic physics of CT to elaborate on solutions for the above mentioned problems. A universal experimental CT setup has been built in cooperation with project I.3 to test various components, as for example detectors from project I.1, in variable geometry. Since the experimental setup also allows to generate µCT scans (in cooperation with project I.3), it offers test possibilities for reconstruction algorithms created in project I.2. In parallel, simulations of signal, noise and dose are carried out. Metal artifact correction efforts are also in progress. In year one the experimental setup was completed in cooperation with project I.3. Preparatory work for calculations of signal, noise and dose has been completed. For metal artifact reduction several approaches have been implemented. Also, investigations with different detector materials have been completed successfully. In the next two years the simulation programs will be developed further. With the given experimental setup it will be possible to validate the results of simulations by measurements. The different metal artifact reduction approaches will be evaluated and compared to determine the most promising approach and to guide optimization.