The association
FORBILD, the Bavarian Center of Excellence for Medical Imaging and Image Processing is a co-operation of twelve partners from industry and research laboratories. All of them are active in the field of medical systems, engineering and sciences. The seven projects of the center are supported by several partners each. Due to the great economic importance of medical technology for Bavarian industry, especially for the region of the so-called "Medical Valley", FORBILD is supported by the Bavarian research foundation with approximately 4 million Euro for 3 years. In cooperation with industrial partners the center has a total budget of approximately 9.5 million Euro altogether. Five of the projects lie in the field of medical imaging, in particular in 3D imaging with Computed Tomography (CT), Micro CT, image quality determination and individual dose registration in radiology. These projects also cover the advancement of detector technology and new scan and reconstruction methods for CT. Projects in the field of medical image processing are dedicated to the simulation of skull surgery in virtual reality as well as to the production of individual implants for the skull.
Homepage: <link http: forbild _blank>
Scientific partner
- FORBILD Erlangen
- FORBILD München
- Universität Erlangen
Partner of the industry
- PETER BREHM Chirurgie Mechanik
- QRM - Quality Assurance in Radiologie and Medicine GmbH
- Wellhöfer Dosimetrie GmbH&Co. KG
- XRSB Röntensysteme Barwig GmbH
- Computer Assisted 3D Surgical Planning in Maxillo- and Craniofacial Surgery: Modelling, Optimal Control, Virtual Reality
- I. Medizinische Bildgebung
- II. Medizinsche Bildverarbeitung
Dr. Jörg Schneider
Universität Erlangen
Institut für Medizinische Physik
Krankenhausstr. 12
91052 Erlangen
Telefon: ++49 / (0)9131 / 85-26268
Email: <link>
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Position plan