I.3 µ-CT
Field of work:
I. Medizinische BildgebungIn project I.3 a feasibility study of a µCT scanner is made. The µCT scanner is projected for a wide variety of possible applications. According to the different areas of applications there are various requirements for the properties of the different components of the scanner. The following parameters are planned: energy range: 10 keV to 225 keV resolution: 5 µm to 100 µm sample diameter: 0,5 mm to 50 mm The setup of the µCT scanner is based on cone-beam geometry; so the results of project I.1 and I.2 can be used in this project as well. The focus in this project is the development of the x-ray tube, the x-ray generator and the detector as well as the control and the evaluation software. The mechanical setup for the scanner is designed and assembled in cooperation with project I.5. At the moment an x-ray tube with a voltage range up to 160 kV is available. On the generator side there are different components under development. A first detector prototype is also available and being tested. On the software side a first version is ready for use. All components are now implemented in the experimental setup (project I.5). I.e., a first prototype of a µCT scanner has become available with the end of the first project year. In the next two years the different components will be evaluated and further improved. Integration, tuning, and image quality for different applications will be optimized.