The association
FORGEN`s theme in FOREN I (financing period 1996-1999) and FORGEN II (financing period 1999-2002) is to support application orientated research projects in gene technology which show the promise of potential economic benefits. Through close collaborations with genetic engineering business enterprises, the proccess of converting scientific discoveries into marketable products will be accelerated. The research topics focus on selected new fields of research derived from biomedical research and its application. Using genetic engineering methods, FORGEN is not only involved in developing or improving proceedures for the production of new safe live vaccines, but also in improving various gene vector systems for the transfer of genetic information into body cells (somatic gene therapy) and examining their clinical suitability. A further concern of the "Forschungsverbund" is to publicize information about current research projects, and in particular to enlighten the general public on the subject of gene technology and its applications through organizing or participating in exhibitions and other public relations events.
General Management
Second Spokesperson
Head of Research Division
- Prof. Dr. med. Ingo B. Autenrieth
- PD Dr. Helmut Fickenscher
- Prof. Dr. Werner Goebel
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Walter Günzburg
- Prof. Dr. Michael Hallek
- PD Dr. Wolfgang Hammerschmidt
- Prof. Dr. Regine Heilbronn
- PD Dr. Martin Herrmann
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hillen
- Dr. Martin Messerle
- Prof. Dr. Heidrun Moll
- Dr. Tobias Oelschlaeger
- Prof. Dr. Ulf R. Rapp
- Prof. Dr. Axel Rethwilm
- PD Dr. Brian Salmons
- Prof. Dr. Karl Heinz Schleifer
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hermann Wagner
- Dr. Michael Wagner
- Prof. Dr. Eckhard Wolf
- Prof. Dr. Christine Leib-Mösch
- Dr. Christof Berberich
- Dr. Christian Berens
- Dr. Gabriele Blum-Oehler
- Daniela Brem
- Dr. Hildegard Bünning
- PD Dr. Ivaylo Gentschev
- Dr. Martin Heinkelein
- Dr. J. Hlavaty
- Martin Hutter
- Dr. Nadja Huttner
- Emeka Igwe
- Dipl. Biol. Anja Knott
- Mirko Kummer
- Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Lindemann
- Cosima Pelludat
- Daniel Portsmouth
- Dr. Matthias Renner
- Dr. Holger Rüssmann
- Dr. Jan Schwenkenbecher
- Dr. Ulrike Schön
- Regine Schönfeld
- Dr. rer. nat. Stefanie Urlinger
- Dr. med. Reinhard Voll
- Marion Walcher
- Dr. Stefan Weger
- Iris Willner
Scientific partner
- Agrobiogen GmbH
- Ardeypharm GmbH
- BASF Pharma/Knoll AG
- Bavarian Nordic Research Institute GmbH Bavarian Nordic Research Institute GmbH
- Coley Pharmaceutical GmbH
- LMU München
- Genzentrum
- Institut für Biochemie
- Lehrstuhl für Molekulare Tierzucht und Haustiergenetik
- Max-von-Pettenkofer-Institut für Hygiene und Medizinische Mikrobiologie
- Max-von-Pettenkofer-Institut, Lehrstuhl Virologie
- Humboldt-Universität Berlin
- Institut für Klinische Molekularbiologie-Hämatologikum
- Universität Erlangen
- Universität Würzburg
- Institut für Medizinische Strahlenkunde und Zellforschung
- Institut für Molekulare Infektionsbiologie
- Institut für Virologie und Immunbiologie
- Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie
- Zentrum für Infektionsforschung
- Universität Wien
- Institut für Virologie der Veterinärmedizinischen
- TU München
- Klinikum rechts der Isar, Institut für medizinische Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und Hygiene
- Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie
- MediGene AG
- november AG
- PreVac GmbH
- VAECGENE Biotech GmbH i.G.
- VERMICON engineering & microbiology AG
Partner of the industry
- Agrobiogen GmbH
- Ardeypharm GmbH
- BASF Pharma/Knoll AG
- Bavarian Nordic Research Institute GmbH Bavarian Nordic Research Institute GmbH
- Coley Pharmaceutical GmbH
- LMU München
- Genzentrum
- Institut für Biochemie
- Lehrstuhl für Molekulare Tierzucht und Haustiergenetik
- Max-von-Pettenkofer-Institut für Hygiene und Medizinische Mikrobiologie
- Max-von-Pettenkofer-Institut, Lehrstuhl Virologie
- Humboldt-Universität Berlin
- Institut für Klinische Molekularbiologie-Hämatologikum
- Universität Erlangen
- Universität Würzburg
- Institut für Medizinische Strahlenkunde und Zellforschung
- Institut für Molekulare Infektionsbiologie
- Institut für Virologie und Immunbiologie
- Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie
- Zentrum für Infektionsforschung
- Universität Wien
- Institut für Virologie der Veterinärmedizinischen
- TU München
- Klinikum rechts der Isar, Institut für medizinische Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und Hygiene
- Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie
- MediGene AG
- november AG
- PreVac GmbH
- VAECGENE Biotech GmbH i.G.
- VERMICON engineering & microbiology AG
- FORGEN I LI2 Entwicklung neuer bakterieller Lebendimpfstoffe: Analysen zur protektiven Effizienz und zum Umweltmonitoring
Development and improvement of proceedures for the production of new safe live vaccines (FORGEN II)
- FORGEN II IS1 Development of newly designed recombinant live attenuated bacterial vaccine strains. Presentation of heterologous antigens by the plasmid-encoded type III secretion - translocation system of Yersinia enterocolitica
- FORGEN II IS2 Safety and efficiency of recombinant bacterial live vaccines in immuno competent and immuno deficient mice.
- FORGEN II IS3 Develpment and production of recombinant live vaccines based on a new Escherichia coli carrier system
- FORGEN II IS4 Experimental infection with Leishmania parasites: induction of protective immunity using dendritic cells
- FORGEN II IS6 Live Vaccines as a tumor vaccine for therapeutic and prophylactic tretment of cancer
- FORGEN II IS7 Single stranded Olegonucleotide : Induction of antigen specific Th-1 versus Th-2 immune responses
- FORGEN II IS8 Differences between strains of Listeria monocytogenes-detection and implications for adherence, invasion, tissue specificity, and environmental persistence
Innovative Virus Vectors for Somatic Gene Therapy (FORGEN II)
- FORGEN II VV1 Gentherapie mittels retroviraler Vektoren zur Behandlung von Brustkrebs
- FORGEN II VV10 Gentransfer into dendritic cells by recombinant polyoma capsids
- FORGEN II VV2 Generation of transgenic animals to evaluate the efficiency and safety of replication-competent, mammary tumor-specific ProCon vectors for gene therapy
- FORGEN II VV3 Identification of breastcancer –specific HERV promoters'
- FORGEN II VV4 Foamy virus – derived vectors for somatic gene therapy
- FORGEN II VV5 Genomic Targeting of recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus
- FORGEN II VV6 Stringente regulation of suicid genes in human cells
- FORGEN II VV7 Replication deficient herpesvirus vectors with shut-off function for T lymphocytes
- FORGEN II VV8 Development of a Live Vaccine against Epstein- Barr Virus
- FORGEN II VV9 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) vectors for generation of protective immune cells to treat CMV disease after bone marrow transplantation
New Virus Vectors for Gene Therapy (FORGEN I)
- FORGEN I GV1 Entwicklung von stringent und selektiv regulierten Expressionseinheiten
- FORGEN I GV2 Eliminierbare Vektoren zur T-Zell-Transformation
- FORGEN I GV3 Sicherheitsaspekte von Epstein-Barr Virus Vektoren in der Gentherapie
- FORGEN I GV4 Erhöhung der Sicherheit von AAV-Vektoren für die Gentherapie durch ortsspezifische Integration ins Wirtszellgenom: Analyse funktioneller Domänen des die Integration vermittelnden AAV Rep-Proteins
- FORGEN I GV5 Verwendung des Adenovirus-assoziierten Virus (AAV) als Vektor für die somatische Gentherapie:Untersuchungen zur Sicherheit für die somatische Gentherapie: Untersuchungen zur Sicherheit
- FORGEN I GV6 Sicherheitsaspekte humaner endogener Retroviren (HERVs) in der Gentherapie
- FORGEN I GV7 Konstruktion neuartiger, sicherer, zielgerichteter, lokus- und gewebespezifischer retroviraler Vektoren für gentherapeutische Zwecke
- FORGEN I GV8 Verbesserung retroviraler Vektoren durch Einsatz von Foamyviren
- FORGEN I GV9 Untersuchungen zur Persistenz und Mobilität gentherapeutischer Vektoren an einem System zur Apoptoseinduktion bei onkologischen und rheumatologischen Erkrankungen
Safe Live Vaccines (FORGEN I)
- FORGEN I LI1 Entwicklung neuer potentieller Lebendvakzine auf der Basis attenuierter Salmonella- und Listeria-Stämme und deren Sicherheitsaspekte
- FORGEN I LI3 Sicherheitsaspekte bei der Entwicklung rekombinanter Yersinia enterocolitica-Stämme als neue Lebendvakzine
- FORGEN I LI4 Entwicklung und Evaluierung stammspezifischer Nukleinsäuresonden für bei der Entwicklung von sicheren Lebendimpfstoffen relevante Bakterien
Induction of apoptosis reduces immunogenicity of human T-cell lines in mice
Ponner BB, Stach C, Zoller O, Hagenhofer M, Voll R, Kalden JR, Herrmann M Scand J Immunol. 1998 Apr;47(4):343-7
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A genomic island, HPI, is present in certain non-O157 enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli clonal lineages
Kachr, H., Schubert, H., Zhang, D., Zhang, S., Schmidt, H., Oelschlaeger, T.A., Hacker, J. Infect.Immun. 67:5994-6001
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Bakterielle Invasion in eukariontischen Zellen - Die Rolle des probiotischen E. coli-Stammes DSM 6601
Altenhöfer, A., Albert, C., Merkert, H., Hacker, J., Ölschläger, T. (Nissle1917). 4. Interdisziplinäres Symposium, Berlin, in press
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Cell type-specific expression and promoter activity of human endogenous retroviral long terminal repeats
U. Schön, W. Seifarth, C. Baust, C. Hohenadl, V. Erfle, C. Leib-Mösch Virology 279, 280 - 291
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Constitutive expression of interleukin 4 in vivo does not lead to the development of T helper 2 type CD8+ T cells secreting interleukin 4 or interleukin 5. Immunol
J., S. Hou, L. Hyland, J. Kirman, H. Moll and G. Le Gros Immunol. Letters 68: 383-390
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Construction and characterization of a hybrid mouse mammary tumor virus/murine leukemia virus based retroviral vector
Saller, R.M., Öztürk-Winder F., Salmons, B. and Günzburg, W.H. J. Virol. 72, 1699-1703
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CrFK Feline Kidney Cells Produce an RD114-Like Endogenous Virus That Can Package Murine Leukemia Virus-Based Vectors
Jörg Baumann J. Virol., Sept. 1998, 7685 - 7687
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Etiopathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus
Herrmann M, Voll RE, Kalden JR Immunol Today. 2000 Sep;21(9):424-6
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Experimental leish maniasis: synergistic effect of ion channel blockers and interferon-g on the clearance of Leishmania major by macrophages
Ponte-Sucre, A., A. Mendoza-Leon and H. Moll Parasitol. Res. 87: 27-31
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Exploring the sequence space for tetracycline-dependent transcriptional activators: novel mutations yield expanded range and sensitivity.
Urlinger S, Baron U, Thellmann M, Hasan MT, Bujard H, Hillen W. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2000 97:7963-8.
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Gene plasticity of pathogenic and non-pathogenic enterobacteria
Dobrindt, U., Hentschel, U., Kaper, J., Hacker, J. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol., in press.
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HERV-IP-T47D, a novel type C-related human endogenous retroviral sequence derived from T47D particles
W. Seifarth, C. Baust, U. Schön, A. Reichert, R. Hehlmann, C. Leib-Mösch AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 16, 471 - 480
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HERV-K-T47D related long terminal repeats mediate polyadenylation of cellular transcripts
C. Baust, W. Seifarth, H. Germaier, R. Hehlmann, C. Leib-Mösch Genomics 66, 98 - 103
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Immunosuppressive effects of apoptotic cells
Voll RE, Herrmann M, Roth EA, Stach C, Kalden JR, Girkontaite I Nature. 1997 Nov 27;390(6658):350-1
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Impact of human endogenous retroviral elements on cellular genes: strategy for isolation of LTR-driven chimeric transcripts
W. Seifarth, F. Krieg-Schneider, H. Skladny, A. Marachelian, H. Germaier, R. Hehlmann, C. Leib-Mösch Leukemia 13, S97 - S98.
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Impaired phagocytosis of apoptotic cell material by monocyte-derived macrophages from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Herrmann M, Voll RE, Zoller OM, Hagenhofer M, Ponner BB, Kalden JR Arthritis Rheum. 1998 Jul;41(7):1241-50.
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In vitro apoptosis and expression of apoptosis-related molecules in lymphocytes from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune diseases
Lorenz HM, Grunke M, Hieronymus T, Herrmann M, Kuhnel A, Manger B, Kalden JR Arthritis Rheum. 1997 Feb;40(2):306-17
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Inducible expression of p21WAF-1/CIP-1/SDI-1 from a promoter conversion retroviral vector.
Mrochen, S., Klein, D., Nikol, S., Smith, J.R., Salmons, B. and Günzburg, W.H. Journal of Molecular Medicine 75, 820-828
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Influence of RecA on in vivo virulence and Shiga toxin 2 production in Escherichia coli pathogens
Fuchs, S., Mühldorfer, I., Donohue-Rolfe, A., Kerenyi, M., Emödy, L., Alexiev, R., Nenkov, P., Hacker, J. Microb.Pathog., 27: 13-23
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Monocyte chemotactic protein 1 stimulates the killing of Leishmania major by human monocytes, acts synergistically with IFN-gamma and is antagonized by IL-4
Ritter, U. and H. Moll Eur. J. Immunol. 30: 3111-3120
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Patent:Auf HERV-LTR-Sequenzen basierende retrovirale Expressionsvektoren.
Deutsches Patentamt, Patentanmeldung 19910650.9
C. Leib-Mösch, U. Schön, C. Baust
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Proviral structure, chromosomal location and expression of HERV-K-T47D: a novel human endogenous retrovirus derived from T47D particles
W. Seifarth, C. Baust, A. Murr, H. Skladny, F. Krieg-Schneider, J. Blusch, T. Werner, R. Hehlmann, C. Leib-Mösch J. Virol. 72, 8384 - 8391
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Rapid identification of viable retrovirus-transduced cells using the green fluorescent protein as a marker.
Klein, D., Indraccolo, S., von Rombs, K., Salmons, B. and Günzburg, W.H. Gene Therapy 4, 1256-1260
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Rational live oral carrier vaccine design by mutating virulence-associated genes of Yersinia enterocolitica
Igwe, E. I., H. Rüssmann, A. Roggenkamp, A. Noll, I. B. Autenrieth and J. Heesemann Infect. Immun. 67: 5500-5507
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Retroviral vectors.
Salmons, B. and Günzburg, W.H. In: Concepts in Gene Therapy, ed. M. Strauss, Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, DE. pp3-24.
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Solitary HERV-K LTRs possess bi-directional promoter activity and contain a negative regulatory element in the U5 region
A.N. Domansky, E.P. Kopantzev, E.V. Snezhkov, Y.B. Lebedev, C. Leib-Mösch, E.D. Sverdlov FEBS Letters 472, 191 – 195
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Tetracycline-inducible expression systems with reduced basal activity in mammalian cells.
Forster K, Helbl V, Lederer T, Urlinger S, Wittenburg N, Hillen W. Nucleic Acids Res. 1999 27:708-10
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The p65 domain from NF-kappaB is an efficient human activator in the tetracycline-regulatable gene expression system
Urlinger S, Helbl V, Guthmann J, Pook E, Grimm S, Hillen W. Gene. 2000 247:103-10
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Treatment of two patients with diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania mexicana modifies the immunohistological profile but not the disease outcome.
Salaiza-Suazo, N., P. Volkow, R. Perez-Tamayo, H. Moll, R. Gillitzer, A. Perez-Torres, R. Perez-Montfort, J. Delgardo Dominguez, O. Velasco Castrejon, M. Crippa and I. Becker Trop. Med. Int. Health 4: 801-811
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Virulence factors of pathogenic E.coli: Structure, function and impact on microbial evolution
Hacker, J., Janke, B., Piechacczek, K., Nagy, G., Dobrindt, U., Blum-Oehler, G., Ölschläger, T. Nova Acta Leopoldina, 312: 183-195
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Yersinia enterocolitica-mediated translocation of defined fusion proteins to the cytosol of mammalian cells results in peptide-specific MHC class I-restricted antigen presentation
Rüssmann, H., A. Weissmüller, G. Geginat, E. I. Igwe, A. Roggenkamp, A. Bubert, W. Goebel, H. Hof and J. Heesemann Eur. J. Immunol. 30: 1375-1384
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FORGEN - Symposium - auf Schloß Banz
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Ethische Fragen zur Stammzellforschung
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Life Science Live
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EuropaBio 99
VDBiol-Forum "Infektionskrankheiten - Neue Zugänge durch Gentechnik"
Dr. Ulrike Kaltenhauser
LMU München
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
81377 München
Telefon: +49-89-8595054
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