The association
Starting January 2000 the research cooperation biomaterials (FORBIOMAT) kicked off for the second time around. Therewith the government of Bavaria supports the development and improvement of biomaterials, i.d. materials for implants, for another two years. In Germany, the manufactoring of implants is a domain of small- and medium-sized companies, competing with large foreign companies, especially from US. The research cooperation, initiated by the bavarian state ministry of science, research and art in 1996, set its main focus on the development of implants and implant components for orthopaedics and dentistry during the first sponsoring period. The research and develeopment projects cover the natural scientific characterization of polymers, metals and ceramics as well as the mechanical, physical and chemical characterization of the surface. The interfaculty teamwork among biologists, chemists, physicists, material scientists and physicians is exemplary in the field of research and development of biocompatible materials. In FORBIOMAT the materials themselves are in the center of attention; the spectrum of requirements is given by the function and the location of the implant. The volume materials have to meet the mechanical requirements, the surfaces - at best and additionally to their passive properties - have to "communicate" with parts of the biological environment.
General Management
Head of Research Division
- Prof. Dr. Dietrich E. Birnbaum
- Prof. emeritus Dr. rer.nat. Klaus Heckmann
- Dr. rer.nat. Frank Macionczyk
- Dr. med. Wolfram Mittelmeier
- Prof. Michael Nerlich
- Dr. -Ing. Stefan M. Rosiwal
- Prof. Gottfried Schmalz
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. F. Singer
- Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Axel Stemberger
- Dr. med. Peter Thomas
Scientific partner
- LMU München
- Dermatologische Klinik und Poliklinik
- TU München
- Klinikum rechts der Isar
- Universität Erlangen
- Lehrstuhl Werkstoffkunde und Technologie der Metalle (WTM)
- Universität Regensburg
- Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Herz-, Thorax- und herznahe Gefäßchirurgie
- Klinikum, Abteilung für Unfallchirurgie und Labor für experimentelle Unfallchirurgie
- Universität Würzburg
- Abteilung für Funktionswerkstoffe der Medizin und Zahnheilkunde
Partner of the industry
Biocompatible implants and manufacturing techniques for implants and implant components
- TP2 Anti-infectious and bacteriostatic coating of cement-free endoprosthesis
- TP1 Improvement of long-term stability of implants and other polymer based biomaterials using plasma-activated vapour deposition
- TP3 Development and Fabrication of surface-modified, cardiac stents to improve biocompatibility and function
- TP4 Improvement of implant-biocompatibility by coating stainless-steel implants with tantalum(oxide) and a delayed decomposionable collagen structure
- TP5 Development of diamond coated femoral slide surface of knee joint endoprostheses
- TP6 plaque-resistive materials for dentistry
- TP7 Allergological-immunological aspects of material optimization for long-sterm application in the human body
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roger Thull
Universität Würzburg
Abteilung für Funktionswerkstoffe der Medizin und Zahnheilkunde
Am Pleicherwall 2
97070 Würzburg
Telefon: +49-931-201-73520
<link file:8588 _blank>Position plan