Become an EU expert
Become an EU expert All funding applications in Horizon Europe are reviewed by external experts in a peer review process. The EU Commission is therefore constantly looking for competent,…
Guiding principles
Guiding principles of Horizon Europe Horizon Europe is driven by the following guiding principles: More green Europe is to become a climate-neutral continent with the help of Horizon…
CarBatteryReFactory Description Programme: EU Innovation Fund, Small Scale Projects Funding amount: EUR 4.5 million for Bavaria Funding period: 09/2021–08/2022 Coordinator: Franz-Josef…
AI D Description Programme: ERA-NET NEURON (call: 2020 Sensory Disorders) Funding amount: EUR 740,000, of which EUR 300,000 for Bavaria Duration: 10/21-09/24 Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Jan…
TACTONOM Description Programme: H2020, EIC Accelerator pilot Funding amount: EUR 3.12 million Funding period: 04/2021 to 09/2023 Coordinator: Dr. Alexander Hars and Klaus-Peter Hars,…
Excellence Lab Ethiopia Bavaria presentations
Excellence Lab: Boosting Research and Innovation Cooperation between Ethiopia and Bavaria in the energy sector Presentations Speaker presentations Pitch presentations List of participants
CIRCULAR FoodPack CIRCULAR FoodPack aims to facilitate the circular use of plastic packaging, addressing the most sensitive product category: Food packaging. This sector involves 87% of all European…
DORT MuM Description Programme: Women TechEU Funding amount: EUR 75,000 Funding period: 05/2022 to 05/2023 Website: DORT MuM pilot project – Development of a new…
ARSINOE Steckbrief Programme: Horizon 2020, Societal Challenges Funding amount: EUR 15 million, of which EUR 1,2 million is for Bavaria Fund period: 10/2021-09/2025 Coordinator: Prof.…
SciFiMed Description Programme: Horizon 2020, FET Open Funding amount: EUR 3.6 million, of which EUR 1 million is for Bavaria Funding period: 01/2021-12/2024 Coordinator: Prof. Diana…