Improved dementia care in the Danube Basin
INDEED ("Innovation for Dementia in the Danube Region") is a three-year (2018-2021) follow-up project to DANDEC ("DAnubian Network for Dementia Education and Care") in the EU's Interreg Danube Programme. INDEED seeks to improve dementia care in countries of the Danube Basin and support the implementation of national dementia strategies. To this end, a transnational research group coordinates three linked intervention modules on core competence areas, cooperation, and innovation potential in dementia care: CAMPUS, CONNECT and COACH. These three modules will be implemented through presentations, seminars, and the publication of printed materials as well as through an online multimedia portal. Participating institutions include hospitals, universities, vocational training institutions, ministries, professional associations, municipal administrations, charitable organisations, nursing homes, and service providers as well as social enterprises. At a later stage of the project, the project partners will test the application of the three modules in urban and rural areas in four countries. On 25 and 26 September 2018, the project launch took place in Munich. The research team of the University Hospital at the Technical University of Munich held the first stakeholder meeting concurrently. Over 40 representatives from the partner countries representing medicine and care, public administration, economy, and charity took part. During the stakeholder session, the heads of the respective work packages presented their initial results and other ideas. Stakeholders also gave their assessment of the current status of dementia care in their respective regions and of the open needs and preferences of the future user group of the INDEED intervention packages. The subsequent discussion intensified the exchange between the work packages. INDEED and DANDEC were both supported by the Scientific Coordination Office at BayFOR. Further information can be found here.